Insert 28

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I watched her as she slept by the couch after I have rocked her to sleep. Which father does this to they child. I sat there and felt my body boil and I felt myself imagining all the crazy things I could do to him. I closed my eyes as my whole body vibrated and I opened them to find my self in an office. I moved slowly confused and angry. I walked slowly to voices and as I got closer to where the voices were I knew where I was.
Voice1: I expect her to be here
Voice2: She will be there. Her flight is tomorrow, we can have the wedding during the weekend
Voice1: Good, once the wedding is done than you can have the mine routes for your growing smuggling business.
Voice2: That the plan and I shall be rich.
Voice1: what about the young girl murder?
Voice2: Hopefully my daughter will see that as a sign that Overseas is not for her and she will see this as a new opportunity, you just make sure your son treats her well. They toasted and I knew that I have just teleported to Mr khumalo ruthless meeting. I closed my eyes and felt myself vibrate and I was in my room at my parents house. I packed a few clothes than went to the safe where my parents put all our royal realms and took out the red velvet box and shoved it in bag.I went to the kitchen and left a note.
"Hey mom and dad
Am going to be with my friend for two days and ill be back on Friday. Am taking your G wagon and dad I took you American Visa express card.
Love your son"
I got in the garage threw my bag in than went to the hotel and found her sleeping and carried her to the car and placed a blanket on her and drove out to the cabin that my parents own. I got there after a 2hours drive and warmed the place up and got her in to the bed. I sat there for awhile and closed my eyes and teleported to the court and got the papers and teleported back. I really hope she bites into this idea that I have.

I drove to my house and the minute I got there snd closed the door I was met by a slap. I looked up and saw my wife with her eyes red with anger.
Her: You sold our daughter. I slowly pushed her to the wall with her back against the wall and shocked her and looked at her as she struggled to breath than I let go of her and roughly kissed her while she was struggling to breathe. Than I moved away from her and turned her around as I tore her skirt out and spread her legs and inserted myself roughly in her. She screamed and joined my rhythm which ended with both of us screaming in climax. I got dressed and turned her around to look at me.
Me: don't you ever slap me again Nandie, never and Yes ill sell her again if its means this family will be richer. Ill do it a million times to make sure we rich our generational wealth and unfortunately some sacrifices are made and we just got to live with it. Now get my Dinner ready and fix yourself. I walked from her as she threw a vase screaming and I smiled and walked to my bedroom to shower. Today seems like a good day. My daughter coming home, she will marry and ill get my routes and I just had mind blowing sex with my feisty wife. What more can I ask for?

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