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I picked her up and drove her to ushaka marine buffet house. We got there and sat down and she looked beautiful in her plain black dress and black sandals and she had a bob weave. Simple but elegant. I ordered while we spoke about life my recovery and her job. We had a lovely time and she text something on her phone after a while than looked at me serious the same way she did when she asked me for the annulment.

Me: you serious

Zamathembu: I need to speak to you before you hear it from someone else.

Me: okay

Zamathembu: am getting married soon. Now that I never expected and its knocked me off cause I really thought she was mine now.

Me: congratulations but you mind saying to who

Zamathembu: I rather not say cause you know how you get.

Me: how I get

Zamathembu: you a gangster, do I have to remind you. I looked down

Me: I can give it all up for you yazi. She looked at me for sometime than shocked her head no.

Zamathembu: you need to stop things cause you want to not because iv asked that of you. Plus you a good brother to me that all I feel for you. Its cannot be more than that. I looked at her and I knew there wasn't a way to persuade her and I nodded. Her phone vibrated and she looked at it and smile and looked at me.

Zamathembu: Thank you for dinner. My transport here.

Me: let me walk you out. She nodded and we walked out and I had my hand on her back as we walked to a black car with tinted windows and a guard stood by the door open. " who are you with now?" I asked and tried to look at the plates but it had Alpha 1.

Zamathembu: Bye Nkosinye. She kissed my cheek and walked to the car and smiled at the guard and door closed leaving me fuming. I called Sanele.

Me: Hack all the traffic lights and follow the plates that say Alpha 1.


She smiled at me as she sat looking at me with her eyes twinkling. When I saw him my blood boiled but I understood her reasons before she even told me and plus if it was anything more she wouldn't have agreed to see me or for me to fetch her.

Zamathembu: Ntate. I melted inside and actually smile and I could feel my dimples going in.

Me: hi. I leaned in and kissed her forehead. We drove in silence to the resort that I booked for us alone without interruptions of my family. We got there and she took her shoes off wearing the morning shoes of the place than sat on the couch as I paced around. I had to tell her now so I know that the family is going to her place with her knowing this.

Me: I have something to share with you and you need to know before my family comes to yours.

Zamathembu: okay

Me: alright ill do my best to answer all your questions too

Zamathembu: okay. She looked at me intrigued.

Me: Am an ancient myth. She looked at me squinting her eyes.

Zamathembu: okay explain.


I saw him taking a small breath and I knew that what his about to share is a big thing. He paced up and down than looked at me.

Bokang: according to our history books and our research am the old Chanikua myth that falls upon Royals that are from the South. In simple terms am half human and half God. Now when I say God I don't mean God our lord but I have qualities and attributes of Godlike features.

Me: like? I was breathing through my mouth doing my best to be calm.

Bokang: in a few months time ill be 30 its rumoured that I wont age after 30. I can hear men process they thought but not woman. Can I touch you for a second and show you something. I nodded as he came closer and he looked at me and he touched my arm and I felt tingling sensations. " I can make your emotions wild and take over your body, I can boil blood and I can shut down organs but never tried reviving it am afraid of trying my limits" I stood there looking at him confused as hell.

Bokang: there is a lot that am aware of and with each year I gained new power and am not sure what the next months will bring and if you don't want to be with me ill get you but do know that if you still want to be with me than this union will be for life. I have no idea if we can have kids or not and if they will be normal or not but we will learn as we go and mostly the only thing that can hurt me or harm me is if the woman I am bind too dies than I die too. That the only way I can die. I can have bullets come at me and ill live, stab me in the heart and ill live but stab you in the heart and I die. I knew you the one I need to be with cause of the day of the accident your heart and though racing somehow made me uncomfortable and my body ached and felt the unease you felt. Say something.

Me: can you read my mind?

Bokang: only man who I close to me and if I look you in your eyes than I can read they minds, iv never read a woman mind. I moved from him to the knife on the table then picked my finger and blood dropped out of it than I walked to him and on his right hand was the same wound as mine and I stood there looking at him confused as hell.

Me: we connected how?

Bokang: All I know is that every king that has this gifts gets connected to they Queen in more ways than one so far this is the only way I am connected to you haven't really went in depth in regards to how else we are connected but you are the Queen of Lesotho. I stood there looking at him for sometime thinking things through and what he has told me and it didn't make any sense.

Me: if I say no? He looked at me with pained eyes.

Bokang: ill never marry because you are the Queen of Lesotho and no one else.

Me: hmmm... I see. I walked to the far end and looked out of the window and thought this through. " let me get this straight. You have godlike powers and you connected to me and am your Queen due to some myth?"

Bokang: pretty much.

Me: Send your uncles at my house tomorrow morning at 11. Ill marry you but on one condition.

Bokang: what that condition? He walked closer to me and looked me in my eyes.

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