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I finished eating and went to the kitchen and found a lady there cleaning.

Me: Bokang. He walked in the kitchen and looked at me. " seriously" he smiled.

Bokang: meet your helper. Mme letshaba. Mme letshaba mofumahali oa hau( mrs letshaba your queen) she bowed. I shook my head no.

Me: haeba u batla ho sebetsa mona mama, ha u nkopele kapa ua mpitsa Mofumahali kapa eng kapa eng ea borena.( if you want to work here you don't bow or call me queen or anything royalty) she nodded with a smile. I finished washing my dish and smiled and left with Bokang following me. I was fuming so I walked to the bedroom and I can feel him behind me and I waited for him to come in minute he was in and closed the door. I was about to talk than he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall kissed me mad and than moved from me as quickly as he grabbed me.

Bokang: iv been wanting to do that since you walked in the lounge, am sorry. I blushed and touched my lips were he was kissing me making me shake in excitement. " now you can express how you feel about the hired help"

Me: nothing. He looked at me and smiled

Bokang: really. I nodded. He moved in slower this time and kissed me senseless. I found myself leaning into his muscular body and enjoying his embrace and I felt him growl at the back of his throat and he stopped and moved away from me breathing calmly. " you going to be the end of me" he whispered making my spine tingle in excitement.

Me: I think am going home today to speak to my family and give them a heads up. He smiled at me and looked at me for a second and cleared his throat.

Bokang: so you really doing this?

Me: I said yes.

Bokang: turn around. I didn't know why but I turned and looked at the bed there was shuffling than a cold piece was place on my neck and I felt it. When he was done tying the necklace he looked at me. " its compliments your eyes"

Me: Thank you

Bokang: I cant give you a ring yet since I haven't spoken to your parents and I don't want you rocking up in a diamond on your hand so this will do for now. I smiled as he kissed my forehead and I walked to the mirror and there it was a silver chain with a pendant that has a small "BM" letters that were sparkling and they looked perfect at the center of my neck

Me: Thank you its beautiful. I looked at him through the mirror as he came and stood behind me and smiled and his eyes sparkled like diamonds too. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Mr Mthembu

I woke up to my phone ringing and I took it and answered.

Me: hello

Zamathembu: baba(dad)

Me: nkosazana unjani( my child, how are you?)

Zamathembu: ngiright baba, bengisacela ukuza ekhaya today ngizonibona( am okay dad,can I come home to see you today)

Me: aw ntanami usungaze uphone pho. Woza kade umamakho ephone engakhutholi.(My child you always welcomed home, your mom been calling)

Zamathembu: ngifelwe iphone( my phone died)

Me: ngiyabona, kave ezojabula umamakho( I see,your mom will be happy to see you)

Zamathembu: baba(dad)

Me: yebo

Zamathembu: ngiza nomngani wami(am coming with a friend)

Me: okay my child at least you made friends there.

Zamathembu: yeah, ill be there by evening

Me: okay, I love you my child thank you for calling, see you soon

Zamathembu: I love you too dad, please don't tell mom am on my way, I want to surprise her. I laughed and we said our goodbyes just than my wife walked in.

Nomthandazo: how was your nap baba?

Me: good

Nomthandazo: why you smiling like that?

Me: am happy

Nomthandazo: because?

Me: sondela la ngitshengise ukuthi why am happy.( come closer and ill show you why) she smiled and looked shy as I brought her to bed kissing her and having my delicious fruit


I was standing in front of a jet. The guards were standing there.

Me: I can't go home with the convoy.

Bokang: am sorry this is the only way you will go home Ma Mthembu. I thought of how ill explain the guards. Yes iv explained my friend Ntsidi but the guards. He kissed my forehead.

Bokang: stop over thinking to much, you will be fine. I nodded and got into the jet with my convoy and we made our way home with my nerves.

Ntsidi: you need to come down ma'am.

Me: wait until you meet my mother and you will understand why am this nervous. I was fidgeting with the chain and I could feel that am about to have one of my panic attacks. I closed my eyes and breathed to calm down.

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