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Me: what you mean that you cannot find the owner of that car/ i looked at Sanele. he looked at me and looked at the Pc and turned the laptop around and showed me its showed no records. I stood there confused.

me: check Audi records. Sanele punched in a few things on the laptop then looked at me with a confused look.

Sanele: Audi says no records. I moved to the laptop and looked at the records and it showed that the car was unavailable and when I looked in some more it showed no records.

me: who the fuck is this guy? I sat there looking as dumbstruck as i felt and he was scratching his head.

Sanele: This guy is beyond our league.

Me: Am the worlds greatest gangster bro i highly doubt, i know everyone here. send out a BPA out to everyone who can find the Alpha cars owner that are here in South Africa in the next hour and also i need you to track Zamamthembu. Sanele scribbled a bit on the laptop than looked at me and showed me the screen.

Me: " cannot locate due to a jammer" that what the screen said. " what the fuck bro?"

Sanele: who ever this guy is we are in for a surprise i tell you cause if he went through all this trouble to hide her am sure he has only big plans for her. i looked at Sanele in frustration letting this sink in and i walked out screaming " I want the guy name in 30 minute."


I walked to my parents home and the minute i entered the my mother was laughing her head off.

Mom: Ngasho ngathi uzobuya satane. leya ndonda ilunge kabi for wena doti( i did say you will come back you evil person,that man was too good for you)

me: kodwa ma( but why)

Mom: wena uncole kabi futhi hamba laykhaya satane( you are one evil bastard)

Me: ma

Mom: wabulala indonda yami wena ngithe hamba( you killed my husband i said go)

me: he raped me. i cried out.

mom: vele phela mawusifebe isinje ngawe uzosho njala futsek( obliviously when you a bitch you will say that, just go)

me: i need a place to sleep.

mom: so you can wake up at night and kill me. leave me alone in my house Nomthandazo. i turned and left the yard not knowing where else ill go since i had nothing on me


i was driving when i bumped into Zamathembu mom and i stopped and waited for her to come in the car and she did and the minute she was in she was terrified of me.

me: i wont hurt you. she looked down. " why did you hate her so much?"

nomthandazo: Mzwandile loved her more than i and that always reminded me that she wasn't mine and somehow i felt like he still thinks of Zenzile.

me: that still doesn't explain the hate you have for her and all the evil things you wish to do to her. she was quiet. i took her hand in mines than focus on boiling her blood and she was sweating as if she has a fever and she begged and cried for me not to hurt her. i stopped as i saw her struggling to breath. " ill will drive you to a hotel and book you for a night and in the morning you will receive money and you will vanish from the face of the earth. never comeback or never come near the Mthembu clan. even at your weakest point even if someone approach you. you leave them the hell alone. Do I make my self clear. She nodded with tears rolling down her face and I gave her a bottle of water and she drank it on one go than I drove her to the hotel booked her in and left going home. I walked in and I went to Sniper.

Me: what the stats?

Sniper: his been looking for you and the Queen but to no avail.

Me: thank you for all your work in making sure we are well

Sniper: Anything for my king. I walked into my room and un dressed to naked and walked into the cold shower and let the water rushed all over me. I stood there for what seemed like hours than came out of the shower and got in bed and slept like a log.


I walked in the room full of everyone that I trust to work on IT.

Me: you are telling me that you cannot find one person all 30 of you? What the fuck. My mom walked to me and calmed me down. Let me get my contacts overseas and see what happenig.

Me: if in the morning you guys don't find this guy, consider all of you guys without a job. I walked out frustrated and breathing fast as if am getting a panic attack. I swiftly moved to the window and let the air wash on me and I felt myself slowly get better and my dad was behind me looking at me with sad eyes

Dad: son you should let this go

Me: She is mine, no woman will ever do what she did. She is mine do you hear me. He patted my shoulder and left me and went leaving me there. I stood there as I felt tears of frustration all over my face.

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