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He kissed me roughly and I bit him and he was screaming as I was roughing him up searching his pockets for keys. I got them and stopped biting him. He looked at me with blood dripping from his lips and just than there were gunshots outside and people were shouting and screaming out orders. He stood next to me with a gun aimed at my head waiting for the door to open and 5 minute later the door opened and there stood SK he grinned and looked at him.
SK: you do not want to do that young man, now lower the gun and let her go
Luthando: who is he? He jerked me and my boob with bra was visible
SK: am not going to say this again. Just as he was shifting, I closed my eyes as I felt the bang and his grip loosen on my hand and he fell down like a bag of potatoes. I didn't scream I just stood there and waited for a while for my breathing to get better.
SK: boss lady
Me: I just want to go home. I felt a jacket around me and he undid the chain than we walked out to the car where I saw Nkosinye and he tried to touch me and I gave him the deadliest stare where he lifted his hand up in surrender and I sat there and looked out of the window and never talked all the way home. When I got home, I took the longest shower and scrubbed myself clean while crying and when I was done, I got out of the bathroom to find Nkosinye standing on his own two feet without anything.
Me: you standing alone. I had my eye fill with tears as I looked at him. He smiled and looked at me.
Nkosinye: yes. I ran up to him and hugged him and I was really happy that he was now standing with his own two feet. I de tangled myself from him than looked at him smiling as he sat down on the bed.
Nkosinye: I know I haven't been the best husband and I know you have dedicated your whole year towards me and I really appreciate that. I know you have heard things about me and ill like for us to talk. I looked at him as he was serious.
Me: I can't be married to you. He looked at me and I looked back at him shocked at what I have just said to him.
Nkosinye; for how long you have been feeling like this?
Me: from the day I walked in the hospital and found another woman crying over you and I never shed even on tear and when every week after I had woman walk in and that never angered me, I knew that this isn't it.
Nkosinye: do you love me? I looked at him for some time and then looked at the floor.
Me: not the way that a wife is supposed to love they husband.
Nkosinye: why did you stay than, why couldn't you leave me and let me deal with my mess.
Me: if I was the one shot, I know you would have gotten me the best doctors, nurses to take of me. That why I stayed. There was silence for a while and we both looked at each other.
Nkosinye: now what? I walked to the bed drawer and took out the new contract that I have for the municipality of Mohali's Hoek in Lesotho and showed him.
Me: am moving to lesotho in 3 months and ill like for us to be divorced by then.  he looked at me looking defeated.
Nkosinye: you have really thought this through. I nodded." okay, I'll give you what you want but do know that am forever grateful for all that you have done for me and if you ever need anything do know am a phone call away okay. I nodded as I hugged him relieved that he let go so easily. Now it's time to face my parents ......

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