Insert 15

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I stood there and watched the jet take off. I took of my phone and checked the tracker on her phone, chain and watch and it was beeping. Just than a call came through and it was Msizi.

Msizi: bafo

Me: sho

Msizi: A black car is parked outside your majesty house its been there since the morning.

Me: don't approach let them sit there soon Nkosinye will know that she not home because she is in Durban.

Msizi: mind if I ask

Me: go ahead

Msizi: why her?

Me: why not her?

Msizi: have you told her about your condition?

Me: No

Msizi: you need too before its too late or you eventually show yourself to her.

Me: not yet. Will talk later. I hung up on him and looked at the far horizon. Do I really have to share that about myself? Does she have to know what I am? Who I am? Why I haven't connected to anyone before.


We got to Durban and there were cars parked for us and Ntsidi drove one and she and I went home while the guards rented a near by bed and breakfast. I have stopped at pick and pay and brought food for my family and got my mom nice pj and dad nice warmers and shoes. Just before we got home my phone rang and it was Bokang and I looked at the phone maybe he is going to complain about the 6000 that iv just used. I breathed and ignored it than switched my phone off. Ill deal with him later. I got home and my dad was by the tree. He saw the car and stood with his stick coming to the gate soon as the car stopped I got and he smiled like its been forever since I saw him and I saw a tear by the corner of his eye. I helped him open the gate and Ntsidi drove in while I hugged him smiling and crying. When we both done he looked me over and smiled and hugged me again.

Dad: Lesotho been good to you my child. I nodded as he hugged me again and than my came out of the house screaming in happiness it was really good being home. Ntsidi greeted everyone with my dad eyeing her closely.

Dad: so this is your friend. I nodded and he looked at me the way he does when am lying. We got the things indoors and we settled down by the tree with one of the juices and muffins soaking in the late afternoon sun. I saw Ntsidi walk to me with a phone and I knew it was Bokang and I shook my head no and she placed it on my had.

Me: sorry baba. I moved away to answer him.


I knew she was safe with Ntsidi but I missed her and needed to hear her voice to confirm. Yes my elders and I were already flying to South Africa to negotiate and lobola as soon as she calls and tells me she has spoken to her parents.

Me: Ndlovukazi (Queen) I saw my family hushing each other and frankly I didn't care so I pressed the phone to loud speaker so they can be fill filled with being noisy.

Zamathembu: Ntate Mohale. This is the first time she has called me this and some how its made my heart do a flip flop.

Me: Iv been calling you. If I didn't know better ill say you ignoring me? I asked looking at my dad who acted like he wasn't listening.

Zamathembu: iv only been away only 5 hours Nkosiyami ( my king) and iv been busy as you can see per your mortifications. I laughed cause I knew she would bring that up and I never knew woman can shop so much. On one hour she has spent so much. Not that it made a difference.

Me:That not why I called though, I wanted to know if you okay. And how was the travel?

Zamathembu: Nkosi yamI( my king) you called me via Ntsidi phone am pretty sure you know all about my trip but it was okay and thank you for asking. Am about to speak to my father about things. And am shaking and I find myself wishing if you could be here just to give me a hug and tell me everything will be okay. I shifted as I felt the longing in her voice and looked the other way.

Me: close your eyes. She laughed making the guy in my pants excited.

Zamathembu: we too old for this you know.

Me: close your eyes and you will see me and feel me right next to you. All you need to do when you find yourself in a tough spot just close your eyes and you will feel me.

Zamathembu: let me go my mom is interrogating Ntsidi.

Me: okay. Be safe.

Zamathembu: uhm... am not sure if its too early for me to say this but I think I have strong feelings for you. Oh gosh am messing it up but what am trying to say is that I .......

Me: Me too. Will talk in person okay. I heard her sigh in relief and I felt the smile.

Zamathembu: okay bye and be safe. I kinda miss Lesotho its so hot here am melting. I chuckled as I hang up with my dad looking at me.

Dad: so you love her.

Me: Please stop dad

Dad: have you told her about your condition?

Me: please leave me alone. I closed my eyes as I thought back to how to handle this situation that am about to put myself in.

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