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I got at the dresser and undid the mic as my eyes were blurry and I moved to the sink and washed my face with Ntsidi standing there looking at me as i tried to breathe. there was a knock on the door as i wiped my face and the Leschaba walked in mortified.
Leschaba: am sorry
Me: hey its okay
Bokang: no its not okay. he walked in and came to me and he kissed my forehead and everyone in the room seemed to be furniture as he was the only one i saw.
Me: its fine
Bokang: you sure?
me: yes am okay, i missed you
Bokang: i missed you too, you slept okay?
me: yeah i did and you?
bokang: your father spoke the whole night.
Me: yeah he does that sometimes. How you know that guy name? someone cleared they throat and i saw it was Ntsidi and we remembered that where we at
Me: sorry. i left Bokang arm and held Leschaba hands.
Me:am good, thank you, this was my first ever interview and you made it fun. she nodded and left .
Me: so tell me how you know sidwel
Bokang: i dont, i just saw his deepest darkest secrets
Me: which is?
Bokang: there is something i never told you.
Me: which is? The door opened and he stopped.

I was now in the bedroom with my mother and father.
Mom: i thought you said the child died?
Me: i lied
mom: why? what did you do?
me: when you first saw me that i was pregnant i was already seven months and plus you had forgiven me about being pregnant with Zweli and now 4 years later am pregnant with another child and am still not done with school so we decided to do a C-section and he said he will take Zamathembu and ill keep zweli and he will raise him with the wife that his family have found for him.
Mom: and you never thought to tell us?
Me: you were already angry that i got pregnant ma
Dad: that doesnt make what you did right zenzile
Me: i know
mom: Zonke? is she Mzwandile child? i looked away " i knew it, what is wrong with you two"
Me: its been 15 years since i saw him he moved. when i was going back to fetch my child i learnt that he moved.he doesnt know anything about Zonke.
Mom: you have 3 kids with this man and he has one and you have 2
Me: yes
Dad: now what?
Me: we going to Lesotho

Government offices Johanessburg
minister of defense: we have heard that the Russians and American are using genetical coding to enhance they soldiers. i think we need to do the same. i need you all to scout the web searches of any myths and any research done in the last year in regards to this and come back to me with the data in a months time. the whole room nodded and left the office as everyone went they way and i was left with one boy who was new.
me: yes?
him: my grandmother is 92 years old and lately she has been raving about the Royal Myth that has the Royal family member have extra ordinary powers.
Me: find out more and come to me with the information. he nodded and left as i sat there downloading a list of all the Royal families that we have in the country trying to see if the we have relations with some of them so we can use that against them.

i walked in the house and it was quiet and i walked to my room and found Ntsidi standing by the door.
Me: what going on?
Ntsidi: she doesn't want to open up ever since she has been back, she canceled the rest of her meetings and has been in there ever since. she hasn't eaten too and she doesn't want to talk to me.
Me: its okay i have it from here you can go rest ill fetch the food. she nodded and left and i knocked once and stood there as i heard her shuffling and coming to the door. i walked in and found her as she was about to get in bed. she was wearing a baggy top and i must say she looked beyond sexy.
me: hi
Zamathembu: hi
Me: you good
Zamathembu: yeah
Me: just heard that you cancelled all your today meeting why?
zamathembu: just needed space. I touched the bed and I got the images of her screaming and crying her eye balls out and the pain in her voice and eye was to much. i undressed and walked to the bed in my boxers and cuddled her as she lay on my chest. we stayed like that for what seemed like hours and i could feel with her breathing that she was sleeping so i let her be as i closed my eyes

i woke up to go pee and came back to find Bokang sitting in bed awake.
me: i woke you?
Bokang: not really
me: okay i got in bed and snuggled closer to him as he kissed my forehead and i looked at him and he smiled and slowly bent his head and kissed me making me get closer to him and wrap my leg around his leg. he groaned when i shifted closer to him and that made me smile as he shifted me to underneath him and he got on top of me and kissed me while playing with my boobs sending tingling sensation to my body. he moved lower to my neck and boobs and he slowly made circular motions with his finger next to my gucci.
Bokang: are you sure? i nodded as he removed my panty and his boxer and his lion came to life making me swallow as all the saliva in my mouth disappeared. he slowly inserted his finger as he kissed me making me moan and shift as an intensifying urge was building up. he came to my ear and whispered.
Bokang: let go. i nodded not really sure what exactly am i letting go off. he moved again to my boobs as there were hard and so sensitive as he hovered over me and his lion was at my entrance. he looked me in my eyes and i closed my eyes and all i could see was his face and i smiled since i knew he was using his powers. i had my eyes closed but it was like my eyes were not closed so i opened them and found him grinning as he pushed in a sharp pain washed over me and he was stiff as a rock than he started moving letting me lose my mind as i felt myself break in to a million tiny pieces. after i melted he shifted taken me to be on top of him as he was beneath me and he undid my hair in one swift move. i was now on top of him and he was in me pushing in making me moan in was i didnt know i could. he looked right into my eyes.
Bokang: ride me
me: how? he had both his hands at the side of my hips and i had my hands covering my boobs as he moved me in circular motion making me go crazy and i moved my hands to his chest as he grins.i moved like how he told me as he went deeper and deeper making me lose my mind and go crazy as he groaned like an animal. i saw his eyes changed to green as i rode him faster and faster. the more i rode him the more the feeling got overwhelming. he pushed in deeper as i felt him explode in me as i shattered into a million pieces. the whole night its was of me riding him and us exploding than he took me to the floor and had me there. had me in the shower while he was bathing me and i dozed off just before the sunrises......

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