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2years later
I woke up and it was snowing today and I had two meetings that I had to attend too. I have the royals coming over to come over the development process of the old Mohale Hoek. I jumped out of bed took a quick shower than wore my warm leggings under my pants and a polo neck and black long boots and a long coat and scarf. I tied my braids in a bun and took my plans and my bag and ran to the car with the travelling mug full of coffee. I drove to office slowly since the road was covered in slow. This is the only thing I hated about this beautiful land. I looked at the review mirror and I saw there was a car that was following me and I put on hazard to show them that anything can happen. I don't know what happened but the car moved to the side the more I tried to gain control of it the more it moved to the side that I got into the ditch and couldn't move the car at all. I sat there very frustrated with tears of frustration rolling down my eyes. Just tan someone knocked on my window and I tried to lower the window which made it impossible for me to lower the window. I tried to open my door and jumped out of the car and looked at this well-dressed man wearing the warmest coat ever. His shoes and clothes screamed money,
Him: na u hantle?( are you okay?) I nodded since my sesotho wasn't that good and I knew as much as I tried to speak it my accent sounded off. He looked at me for a second. "not from around here?) he asked in English. I laughed shyly and looked down.
Me: I just relocated here.
Him: I asked are you okay? He pointed to the car.
Me: it just took me off the road. He went to the front of the car and checked and I noticed we had two other guys in black suits standing there as if guarding him.
Him: you need to call a tower cause it's not going to move.
Me: oh, bummer can my day get any worse than today. I kicked the tire and I felt the ice move in a sledge and within seconds he grabbed me and jumped away and my eyes disappeared right in front of my eyes. I got up with the hands of the other guards and walked slowly to the edge of the side of the road and watched as my car rolled down and then exploded at the bottom of the valley. I felt my face heat up in tears of frustrations and looked on in horror. The nice-looking guy looked at me in amusement.
Him: I guess you will be needing a ride? I nodded since I couldn't talk without crying my eyeballs out. The guards open the car for us and I got in the car and the warmth greeted me and I snuggled into the leather seats and he took a travelling mug and handed it over to me.
Him; have some.
Me: thank you
Him: where you going?
Me: Municipality offices
Him: same as I. the car started moving as my heart settled and the delicious coffee warmed me up.
Me: Oh Gosh, this is awesome. He looked at me with one raised eyebrow and looked at his files and I looked out of the window and continued to drink his coffee.......

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