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I woke up to a smell of coffee and I remembered that I never went home yesterday. I sat by the bed and chilled for a minute than there was a knock on my door and a woman walked in. She looked fit and muscular but had a kind face..

Me: Hi

Her: hi, sorry to disturb you but breakfast is ready and The prince is here. I looked at her confused. " oh am sorry, am Ntsidi. Your assistance. Now I was shocked.

Me: my what?

Her: assistant. I make sure that your day is planned out and everything is smooth with no worries plus am your bodyguard. I jumped out of bed as Ntsidi gave me my gown.

Me: " thank you" I wore it and ran out to the lounge were the coffee smell was stronger and right there was the prince looking breath taking in his jeans and blue top. For a minute I almost forgot why I came out running.

Bokang: morning. He walked closer and gave me a peck on my cheeks. I blushed and he looked at me. " now am ready for your argument" I looked at him and I opened my mouth than closed it. He smiled and pulled a chair for me to sit and I sat and looked at him as he sat across from me with a table filled of delights.

Me: just so you know, I wasn't going to argue.

Bokang: You have the " am going to argue face" I laughed at him and looked at him.

Me: What face is that? I looked at him as he took out his phone and took a photo than showed me and I must say I looked horrible. I was wearing a head wrap and my face wasn't looking fresh at all.

Me: all I see is my morning face

Bokang: okay. Ntsidi walked in with papers and placed them by the table reminding me of what I was going to say and I looked at Bokang who gave me that amusement look.

Me: Do I need an assistant? You can't just do that without talking to me first. I mumbled and dished up the fruit salad as Ntsidi walked out to the far end of the room. I looked at her. " you not joining us" I asked her.

Ntsidi: iv already eaten your  highness. I turned my head quickly and looked at Bokang

Me: she just called me " your highness"

Bokang: I am the next king and you marrying me and that makes you Queen. So you will be called that, My Queen, Mofumahali(queen) and all tittles relating to royalty.

Me: you got me an assistant/bodyguard? Why?

Bokang: for your protection and to make life easier

Me: am used to doing things myself

Bokang: babe, my assistant and your assistant will talk things over since we have things to attend to and make sure we not double booked. We have a team that works with us in making sure we that our people are okay and our economy is well and also protecting us from those who wish us ill. I kept quiet. I was thinking while chewing and I noticed his not eating.

Me: you not eating?

Bokang: iv eaten. That blew me off cause the table was full of food.

Me: and all this?

Bokang: for you. I opened and closed my mouth and turned and looked at Ntsidi who looked like she wasn't hearing our conversation but I knew she could.

Me: Ntsidi

Ntsidi: My Queen. I swear her eyes were laughing at me and she did that on purpose.

Me: from now on you call me Zamathembu and we eat breakfast together. No ways am starting my day weird like this.

Ntsidi: your wish is my command. I nodded and went back to eating.

Me: when am I going back to my place? I looked at Bokang who was comfortable with watching me eat.

Bokang: this is your new place till we get married. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him with shock all over my face.

Me: here? He nodded. " you telling me am not going to my house today? I thought am sleeping here because it was to late for me to go home yesterday. Plus this is you guesthouse and its in the royal premisses. What if you or your family get guest? And than?" I could feel my voice shaking and I could feel the tears at the back of my eyes and I could feel the panicking rising. I closed my eyes and breathed for a second.


I saw her having a small panic attack and got up and went to her and turned her to look at me and she was trying to manage her breathing. She finally opened her eyes and there were red.

Me: Ndlovukazi yamie( my Queen) she closed her eyes again and I saw a tear roll down her cheeks and I wiped it away.

Me: look at me. And she did " I know that this is all to much to take in but right now you in the Queen headquarters. I built this place for the situation that am in right now. I knew from early on that am weird and there is a possibility that when I marry the person ill marry might not like me or it might be for different reasons so I built this place for them to have and be at as a sanctuary plus keeping in mind they safety. Than I meet you. Things changed a lot, I like you and I hope you like me too. I know we haven't known each other that long but you intrigue me and make my heart beat faster in a good way.we come from two different worlds but somehow I hope we can make it work. Now this is going to be your home until we marry and we can move to our house once we have built our home. Ntsidi is your guard and assistant until she decides to quit her job. You will have a team of people around you who serve to make your transition and duties easier. When you said yes, you said yes not only to be with me but to serve with me. If you feel this is all too much and you can't cope, to talk to me and ill do my best to make it easier. But if you want out, tell me and ill let you go" she looked at me with tears streaming down her eyes and I was holding my breath praying she doesn't leave. She nodded

Zamathembu: my clothes and books are at the house

Me: I can arrange for your things to come here but you have a closet already full of clothes and our styling team is always on standby if you need anything.

Zamathembu: I need some sort of simplicity. She mumbled

Me: ill try to accommodate you in that

Zamathembu: thanks. I hugged her and somehow she felt perfect in my arms. I felt complete by her presence but mostly I knew right there and than that am never letting go of her.


Me: what you mean you can't track her?

Sanele: exactly that, its like she disappeared.

Me: what her last location?

Sanele: Lesotho

Me: maybe something wrong with her car. I looked at Sanele.

Sanele: Her phone?

Me: ay angazi( I don't know)

Sanele: remind me again why did you let her go?cause look at you right now pacing up and down and she only been gone for a day. You been tracking her for two years and not once have you attempted to make a move. Kahle kahle uzowenza njani ngale situation yakho( exactly what are you planning to do with this situation)

Me: All I know is that ngiyamthanda Uzamathembu and ill do anything to win her love. I walked to my PC to check if her phone was still undetected and it was and I banged the table. This is so not like her. In all the years iv tracked her she has been a routine person nothing like this ever happened.I need to send my guys to Lesotho and find out what happening.....

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