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1 month later
It's been a month since I have been married and I haven't seen my husband since the day we had a traditional ceremony at his home and he gave me a wedding ring which I have been wearing for the past month. I stay with his family who have been nothing but amazing in Johannesburg and I help in the family business that they have here. Nompilo has been a great joy. I learnt that she was married to the older brother who passed away 6 months ago and she lost her baby in that car accident. She also works on the family business as receptionist and I as they accountant and I must say it's been amazing. My mom knows nothing about my Husband disappearance and every time she calls, I let her know that all is well she shouldn't worry. They house is amazing and I stay in his room which I have changed into my own room with my own sense of decorating. Life is stylish and glamourous and yet simple in the Blose resident. I learnt they have money and have multiple businesses which are now led by Nkosinye and they are really are a close nit family. I woke up to a loud cry and I got out of bed and ran putting my gown together and I left the room to where the cry was coming from i got to the lounge and Ma was crying with her husband holding her and Nompilo was in tears.
Me: guys? They looked at me with so much fear and pitty.
Nompilo: its Nkosinye. I felt my heart skip a beat.
Me: What about him?
NomPilo: he has been shot multiple times. I stood there looking at them and trying to register what they saying. I ran up the stair and took trackpants and wore them and some takkies and took the keys to the car that I usually drive to go around and went downstair.
Me: what hospital?
Nompilo: Kempton park medical center.
Baba: I will follow you once she is sleeping. I nodded as I ran out of the house and drove to the hospital where I found news reporters and soon as I jumped out of the car, they came running asking me questions am even surprised that they know who I am. I felt strong hands pick me up in that midst and shelter me as we went in the hospital. I looked at the guy and I recognized him as one of the people he was talking to when we were married.
Me: thank you, where is he. He pointed to the corridor and I walked with him following me and I got in the waiting room and there were 5 guys standing there all wearing black and some hand blood in their hands and faces and am guessing that was my husband blood. They all looked scary and they looked at me as if knowing who I am and there was a girl there who was crying and her hair and dress was messed up with so much blood. One of the guys came to me "hi am SK"
Me: ZamaThembu, what happened? They all looked at me and looked down and said nothing. I walked to the girl that was sniffing and wearing a hoodie.
Me: Are you okay? She nodded and I took out my jacket and gave it to her. "wear this and can someone get her tea to warm up" I was now wearing a vest and I noticed that the guys were looking at me. A nurse walked pass and I stopped her.
Me: Am sorry sister. She looked at me giving me her full attention.
Me; my Husband was accepted a few minutes ago on multiple shot wounds and I haven't had any feedback so I was wondering if you can find out for me.
Nurse: Please give me his name and ill check for you.
Me; Nkosinya Lucian Blose. She nodded and left and I turned to the skinny girl looking at me with her mouth open.
Her: his married? He looked at the guys and I looked at her waiting for her to continue with her conversation. She got up and hit one of the guys with a scar.
Her: his fucking married. She took my jacket and threw it at me and I took it and wore it not paying attention to her drama. "I hope he dies in there" she got up and left being hysterical.
Sk: sisi .I raised my hand and turned and looked at all of them. "I don't need any of you to explain anything to me for now all that matters is that he pulls through" They all turned and looked the other way and we waited for what felt like hours. His father came at some point and left after that I told the guys to go ill call when the operation is done. I stayed with SK who refused to leave after I asked him a million times. My mother called after she saw me on the 10pm news to find out what was happening and I explained that i have been waiting and she offered to come which i declined. After what felt like hours of waiting finally the doctor came out and came to where I was with SK.
Doctor: it's my understanding that you are Mr Blose wife.
Me: yes
Doctor: well your husband is one lucky man. We were able to remove all the bullets even the one that was logged in his spine. All seems to be okay now we waiting to see if there was any damaged. We have put him in a coma for the next 3 days so he heals and will keep an eye for him. We also need to test his family for any organs just in case he has complications we know who is a match to him. For now, all is well and hopefully he pulls through. I nodded and released a big sigh that I didn't know I was holding my breathe. I sat on the chair.
Me: can I see him
Doctor: yes, you can. I got up and nervously touched my hair and walked behind the doctor with Sk behind me. I walked to the ICU and he had all kinds of tubes all around him. He had bandages everywhere and I just stood there looking at him for a minute than I walked up to him and touched his cold fingers.
Me: Hi. Am sure you wondering who is this but it's me Zamathembu the girl you married a month ago. I giggled and looked at him again. "am here" I brushed his hand and stood there for what felt like hours but was only minutes. This is my first time meeting my husband and it on a hospital bed, is this the life that I want for myself? Is this what my parents got me into without my consent. God am only 24 years old and this is not how I planned my life.

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