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20 years later
Mom: Mohale...... Mohale..... Mohale... I woke up and looked at the ceiling as I heard my mother footsteps coming up to my room. I closed my eyes and pictured myself invisible its something that I learnt two months ago and I haven't told mom about it cause she will worry hence here I am 22 years and still living with my parents.History has it that when I was 10 and I was angry my wings came in view at school and they had to take me away from Lesotho and we moved to London since it one of the most populated cities in the world. I am next in line to be King but since we had to leave the country due to my extreme powers and the government selfish gain of wanting to use it to they advantage. Here we are in London with my father running the most successful firm and of cause his rib next to him that deals with finding people anywhere in the world. little do they know that we use our extreme skills to do the work and direct our PI to the lead that we found. My family had to let my father uncle run the throne since the government is still on the look out for us and they agreed to be tested to show there is no extreme gene. we have received numerous application form them asking us to find us which is funny. I was now invisible and i watched her enter the room and looked around and stand in the middle of my bachelor loft. funny they call it a bachelor loft when its situated at home just above the main house. my beautiful mother stood there looking beautiful not a day old than the last few years which is the thing with us.My dad stopped aging at 30 and because he was bind with my mom and she is his wife and when you have intimacy with your partner your DNA stays in them plus she gave birth to me which also stopped her aging at 30. Yes they look mature but we hardly age I guess but my mother still bleeds and is still mortal that much hasn't changed and if she dies my father dies. she took out the phone and called and I knew she was calling my father.
Mom: His not here. she shuffled with the phone than my father voice came out.
dad: MJ. Eventually you have to speak to us about what happened yesterday...
mom: babe his not here
dad: MJ... he used his stern voice.
me: I hear you dad. I answered making my voice echo without showing myself and i saw my mother jump and look around.I moved closer to her as i watched her facial expression change to worry exactly what i didn't want and now here it was. I wonder how my father knew about this new power.
dad: ill finish up the meeting and am coming home for us to speak about this. A tear went down my mother eye and I hated myself for that. here I was 22 years and never had a normal life. am always with my mother and my uncle and aunt. those two are the best people in the world.
dad: see you making my wife cry now, show yourself. i moved from my mother and stood by the corner and i showed myself to her. she sighed and walked to me and hugged me.
mom: why?
Me: mom please
Mom: okay will talk when your dad here. your uncle is coming over he needs you to help him with a case he has.
me: sure let me shower.I turned and left her standing there looking at me with pained eyes and frankly i couldn't stand it any longer.

I sat by the hospital bench where I was told a few minute ago that my friend has died and I had a blanket on my shoulder given to me by a nurse since I was shaking. I cannot believe that my friend is gone just like that. if only i didn't leave to go study the whole night. if only i stayed behind when she told me she was sick maybe she would be still alive. just in front of me came a pair of black timberland's and black formal shoes. i looked up and saw two guys. one who was clearly a detective and another about my age but had the most beautiful soft clear blue eyes. he was fair like he was white but you can see his of African origin. he really was handsome with his curly fade. he had black ripped jeans and black hoodie and timberland's. the old guy was somehow related to this guy.
old guy: Hi Miss Khumalo. the cute guy raised his eyebrow and was now paying attention to me.
Me: hi
old guy: am detective Mthembu, ill be working your friend case. mind if i talk to you so we can find who murdered your friend?
Me: sure. i shivered as i thought of the possibility of my friend being murdered. The guy looked at me strangely than left me and the old man looked at him and looked at me.
old guy: Take me through your day with your friend maybe we might pick up something that was unusual and can lead us to finding the person who did this. the tall guy walked back with a cup and he handed it to me.
him: its Milo because coffee makes you agitated. its 3 scopes of milk. 4 scopes of brown sugar since white gives you pimples.
me: how did you know that? he shrugged as he gave me the Milo and i drank it and it was the way that i liked it. he stood over us and it made it hard to concentrate as he was tall and had an aura that makes it very difficult to ignore. "My friend and i are students, she from Russia and am from South Africa, we are here on a medical bursary and we have been friends for the past 3 years that we have lived here. She has a boyfriend mike" i stopped and shook my head." oh my gosh Mike, i haven't called mike to tell him"
old guy: I will.

I sat there and watched her and my uncle. how she answered his questions. how her lips moved and how she was sitting up right and taking heat from the cup she was holding. every time the Milo goes cold ill look at it and heat it up so she can keep getting the heat. she had full lips, black eyes and had her braids in a bun. she was slim and had tiny boobs that i knew fitted perfectly in my hands. i shook my head from thinking that as i my mom talking to me about sleeping with girls. how i must use a condom and make sure that i never make anyone pregnant due to my condition. and frankly i also don't want my child to grow up the way that I did. i watched how she had a voice as if she was singing.
uncle zweli: That all for now. here is my card to call if you remember anything. she took the card with her slim manicured fingers.
Melody: thank you.
Me: do you mind if i drop you off? my uncle looked at me than looked at her
Melody: i will uber
me: i don't mind driving you. she looked at the uncle than at me. i tried to soften my face to friendly and she looked away.
Uncle Zweli: What will i use cause you left your car at home? trust my uncle to be an ass i gave him a middle finger with my mind and sent an image to his and he laughed out loud making Melody jump and he saw that and apologized.
me: i can request i just want to make sure you get home safely. she nodded and we got up after i requested and we went to wait outside. she shivered and I took out my hoodie and gave it to her. she looked at me.
Me: am fine. she took it and wore it and i saw her smelling it and smile. uber stopped in front of us and we got in.
uber: where too the address was empty had the pick me up point only
her:93 Huntley street. the driver drove us and the car was silent as we made our way to the small apartment area where she stays with her friend. we got there and there we cops everywhere.
cop: am sorry no one can get here.
melody; i stay here what must i do? the cop shrugged and she looked at me with tears of frustration. i took her by her hand and walked out the building. luckily our uber was still there so i got in and told him to drive us to Arosfa hotel.The driver drove us and we got there and the manager saw me and walked to us with a smile
Manager: MJ ho are you?
me: am good and you?
Manager: am good, what can i do for you?
me:ill like the key to the penthouse please.
Manager: oh certainly. he went behind the desk a and took out the keys and gave me and i thanked him and we moved with Melody following me and we got to the elevator and went up to the 30th floor. we got there and i open the door for her.
Me: you can use this in the meantime while your apartment is being sorted out. ill ask my uncle to get you a few clothes in the meantime. I walked to the closet and there were a few track pants and tops that i left here so i showed her than walked her to the bathroom and showed her how to use the things.
" ill go fetch you something to eat while you take a shower' she nodded and i walked out and closed the door than stood there for a minute gathering my thoughts. Why am I so drawn to Melody? what is it about her that intrigues me? i shook my head and closed myself and made myself invisible then went back in the room and there she was by the couch crying in the most excruciating way ever making my heart cringe in pain. i walked closed to her and held her and she never resisted. i slowly slouched on the couch making her fall asleep on top of me and i slowly rubbed her back soothing her to feel better.

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