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3 month later
Today marks the 3rd day since I have been married and finally the ceremony ended last night after the coronation of being crowned queen. I woke up and looked at the ceiling since I slept at the early house this morning. My mind was abuzz with everything that has happened and of cause with the relocating my father from South Africa and making sure he is divorced to that woman. Its really has been an eventful 3 months. Nkosinye has been missing and his family has been bugging me about it and I have told them time and time again I have no idea where he is and they have left me alone. I stayed in bed for a while just allowing everything to sink in and just take in that am married and am somebody wife. speaking of my husband where is he?. I closed my eyes and thought of him. the door open and in came Ntsidi with a clip board and she stood there with tea in her hands.
Ntsidi: hi, how are you?
Me: first day of being Queen, am kind of nervous
Nstidi: don't be you will be fine. the former king and Queen send they regards.
Me: where they went?
Ntsidi: they going on they long honey moon in Africa. they said they want you and the king to figure everything out yourself.
Me: And my dad?
Ntsidi: his at his house said his doing the garden today and of cause watch you on Tv, his more happy about seeing you in Tv than anything.I nodded and looked at the Ipad that she gave me and looked the schedule and meetings that i had lined up for a day. who knew that being a Queen is so much work. at 2pm I had a Good talk with Leschaba so all morning i wont see Bokang until @pm since he had meeting after meetings. I got dressed and  prepared for the meetings

I walked in and found the family sitting and watching Tv.
Me: What are you watching Zonke?
Zonke: we have a project at school about Royalty and today at Lesotho Tv there is a view of national address since the new king was crowned and he got married to a Zulu wife rather than Sesotho
Me: sounds interesting. let me undress and order in and we can watch
Zonke: okay mom.
Zweli: so sonke mele sibuke lento yakho?( so we must all watch this thing of yours?)
Mom: Zweli nje umzweli umtwana uthe its for school( You heard the child say its for school)
dad: don't you have a TV in your room Zweli? he kept quiet as i heard the music start and the anchor speak in English and explaining why they will have the whole set up in English.
Anchor: Am hearing that the Queen and the King are coming with different convoys since they have been in different meetings all day and this will be the first time they see each other today since yesterday afternoon. a close source says that as much as this was a short time to acquaintance themselves but love is clear with this two.
Mom: am just happy he went out of the Norm and married another tribe
Zonke: please don't make this about tribes Gogo. everyone laughed and was glued to the TV.

Me: Am so nervous
Ntsidi: don't its just an interaction you will have with the national Tv anchor before leaving the Royal building and head home. never mind the people in the building they only allow 200 people and they are all vetted  and checked.
Me:is Bokang here yet
Ntsidi: his running late.
Me: seriously, that not a good thing than I wont wait for him ill go in.

Zenzile and her family were glued to the tv and the anchor was excited the whole nation and those who were watching tv were waiting in anticipation to see what and who is this Zulu Commoner that is about to make history and be Queen.
Anchor: Iv just received news that the King previous meeting took longer than expected.
Gogo: Ufana ne president yethu bayalindwa bo labantu(his like our president, these people like making us wait"
Zonke: shhhh gogo
Anchor: the Queen says its okay to start without the King, i see she is a punctual person without further wait let me introduce you to the Queen of Mohale Hoek Zamamthembu Wendy Mohale. she walked in gracefully with her Afro hair in a bun and some red African beads weaved in her hair stylishly. she was wearing Black red bottoms and a black skirt with a black top and a red trench coat. she had no layer of make up and had small stud earrings and a chain and of cause her wedding set ring that was black.she had such grace and her posture as she sat down was amazing. Gogo started crying and Zonke mouth was open as Zenzile eyes became glassy.
Zweli: if i didn't know better i would say that is you mom.
Gogo: You said the baby died Zenzile
Zonke: shhhhh guys.

I sat down and looked at the lovely young lady.
Anchor: thank you for coming through
me: pleasure is all mine
Anchor:you so beautiful.
Me: thank you and so are you I love your dress Lesechaba. she blushed and thanked me.
Anchor: ever thought that you will be Queen?
me: Never,if you came to me 5 years ago or any other day I would have said you are crazy i would never.
Leschaba: Tell me about yourself. I smiled as I realized she trying to make me feel at ease.

I finally got to the royal building and walked in and I was told that the Queen request for the meet down to go as planned and I knew she would. I changed my shirt and I heard the Anchor let them know that am in the building and introduce as I walked in the set up and the only thing I saw was my beautiful wife and the smile that she gave me.I walked to her and shake her hand and kissed her forehead.
Zamathembu: you are late babe. I think she forget that she had the mic on cause the audience laughed and she held her mic in horror as the anchor laughed and I shook her hand as he bowed and I mouthed am sorry to my wife who fixed my tie and smiled.
me: I see am in trouble. they laughed again.
Anchor: a pleasure to have you here Your majesty
Me: please call me Bokang. I saw her blush and my wife eye were more on me than any other person.I moved my hand for our hands to entwine and she smiled and looked away.
Anchor: your wife was just telling us about herself and sharing her experience here in Lesotho
Me: did she tell you how we meet? she laughed and closed her face
Anchor: no
Me: do you want me to tell them Ndlovukazi Yamie( my queen) she nodded no " let just say she made a mess of herself and she had no idea of who i am she actually asked me if am Prince prince" the audience laughed and i smiled.
Zamamthembu: in my defense you weren't wearing a crown.the whole room erupted with laughter.
Anchor; as the new Queen ,what desires do you have for your people. i turned and looked at her.
Zamathembu: wow, uhm, i want everyone to have they basics that my main object and in doing so that making sure that jobs are available for everyone. i want the youth to have the reason of staying here and serving they country. I want us all to do little in making sure that Lesotho befits the image that we have in our head. the whole room erupted with they clapping and cheering her on as she gave them the most amazing smile.
Anchor: i keep loving you with each minute. the interview went on for an hour jumping to policies and politics and business and finally when it was getting to the end the anchor looked at us pleased.
Anchor: i have time to take three questions from the audience so let get our first question from the daily report.
Daily Report: I heard that the King brought you a car on the first date how did that make you feel? she smiled.
Zamathembu: i drove to the Royal palace not knowing that the whole family stays together to return the car and told him he cant do that but he smiled and asked me to marry him instead and that just left me numb.
Daily report: is it true you were married before?
zamathembu: yes for a year
daily report: to a gangster?
Zamathembu: so i have heard
daily report: that missing.
Me: exactly what are you asking? i looked straight at the guy who was battering my wife with questions.
daily report: just trying to understand the Queen and her previous life and where she from
Me: Yes, she was married before an arranged married by her parents and yes she found out the guy was a gangster and left the marriage and yes the guy is missing and that her past not her future or presence and i know that wont disturb or affect her in any way from being the Queen that she was born to be is they any more questions or anywhere else that you need clearance in? i looked at the guy as the room went dead silence. " in future if anyone want to take jabs at my wife do know that you are also taking jabs at me. her past is my past too. so before you judge her look yourself in a mirror and see if there isn't anything about you that you will not like anyone to know. is there anything that you don't want anyone to know Sidwel?" the guy looked at me shocked am not sure what was making him uneasy.
sidwel: Apologies if i have offended you
Me: apology accepted Sidwel. i turned and looked at zamathembu who had glassy eyes and i knew she was so embarrassed.
Anchor: Thank you again for allowing us a moment with you and for answering all my questions. that it guys we have for today guys please stay in tomorrow for more news about Lesotho.....

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