Character Descriptions / Backstory

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Luna (Lu), Bo and Olivia (Liv) have all been close friends since they were young. A "3 musketeers" sort of relationship, particularly from Luna's standpoint. At some point Bo and Olivia rather unexpectedly became a couple, but aside from just the occasional third wheel moment, it honestly doesn't bother Luna. She's truly happy for them, and despite the romantic involvement between Bo and Olivia, the friendship between the three of them always comes first.

LUNA (16): Loyal to the point of denying herself for the sake of others. More likely to suppress her emotions / internalize them than to let them out. Rational and pragmatic, often to the point of appearing to be cold, but also headstrong enough to be impulsive, careless or even reckless when "on a mission" – she's a contradiction in that sense. She's the only child of Garreth and Julia. She's very close to her parents in what has now become as much a "friendship" as a parent – child relationship. While not antisocial, she's never really had friends other than Bo and Olivia. Maybe she just never needed any other friends. Physically she's reasonably tall, slight and pretty despite typically "dressing down", or at least not dressing up. Not a girly girl but she's not a Tom boy either. She doesn't think herself pretty or not pretty... she doesn't really think of herself that way at all.

BO (16): Dependable, pensive, even-keeled, slow to react / slow to anger. Sort of an "old soul", seemingly older and wiser than his years. He even moves slowly, deliberately, bringing a calming affect to most situations just by his presence. He's cautious and responsible, but not weak or timid. While he's romantically involved with Olivia, he's almost closer to Luna and more protective of her. He lost both of his parents in a car accident years ago. He lives on the proverbial "other side of the tracks" from his privileged girlfriend Olivia. Physically he's reasonably tall and stocky. A teddy bear. Think farm boy without the farm.

OLIVIA (16): A typical cheer leader type both in appearance and personality. She's not "dumb" but she does exude a certain, stereotypical "blondness". She's privileged, her father holding a high-ranking position in government, but she doesn't show it. She certainly doesn't flaunt her high society standing – she's almost embarrassed by it / apologetic about it – but it's there nonetheless. The 3 friends are legitimately super close, but on some level she's the "one of these things is not like the others". She's popular without trying or necessarily even wanting to be. She's not close to her Dad and certainly not to her stepmom.

GARRETH (Luna's Dad): He's best friends with his wife – they're the only friends each other ever really needed – and he's still madly in love with her (as she is with him). He loves his daughter dearly and they've always been super close, but he struggles a bit with her "needing" him less as she gets older. He's emotional and sensitive but guarded and introverted, so he's prone to suppressing his emotions and they can eat him up inside. He's too trusting. He's not naïve, but he leans towards expecting the best from people, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Outwardly he's typically composed but his head is a very busy place – he has way more conversations with himself than he does with all other people combined. He's brave, but timidly so. He'll do what needs to be done but not without being scared, and he's ashamed of his fear. He can't live up to his own impossible standards. He'll stick to his convictions to the end but it can take him a while to come to those convictions, needing to see and understand the situation from every angle. He's detail oriented and logical and doesn't like a mystery. He's not insecure but he does labour over doing the right thing, mostly because he struggles with making sure that he knows what the right thing to do is.

JULIA (Luna's Mom): Smart, headstrong and rational. She's a rock. Luna inherited these qualities from her. She's inquisitive and less trusting of those in power / more prone to question than is her husband. Like her husband, she's always been close to her daughter. Although the 3 of them are still super tight, she's probably gotten closer to her daughter as she's grown while time has had a bit of an opposite affect on the relationship between her husband and her daughter – she just seems more comfortable with a grown-up friend Luna than is her husband. She loves her family and wants the best for them.

LOGAN (16): The quintessential privileged (aka spoiled) jock type. His world revolves around him. He's rarely alone, typically surrounded by an adoring, approval-seeking posse. He never misses out on a chance to flaunt or abuse his superior social standing and he's used to getting what he wants. He wants Olivia, albeit more as a trophy than a loving companion, having always assumed that they were meant to be together, so the fact that Olivia is with Bo instead drives him nuts.

KENZIE (Julia's intern): Young (20's) and smart and anti-establishment. She has jet black and royal blue streaked hair, lip, tongue, nose and eyebrow piercings and cartoon character tattoos on her arms. She's an "outsider". She likes and respects Julia and appreciates the opportunity that she's been given as her intern. Her distrust of government makes her a willing conspiracy theorist which causes Garreth to question her credibility, facts be damned.

LYNN (Garreth's friend): Talkative and uninhibited. An extrovert.

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