Chapter 56

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Garreth sat alone at the long wooden table making grooves in it with his fingernails. He had a pounding headache, his mind frantically concocting one ridiculous plan after another, knowing full well that none of them stood a snowball's chance in hell of keeping his daughter - his young, innocent, beautiful Luna - alive. Even if he'd had something for his headache, he wouldn't have taken it. He deserved to suffer.

I never should have left her. If I'd just stayed there and played along, falling in line like everybody else, she wouldn't be in this position. She'd still have years to live. I cut her life short. I killed our daughter. It's my fault.

It's not your fault G. You did what you thought was best at the time. No one could have imagined how this would all play out. I would have done the same thing.

Really? I'm not so sure you would have Jules. I'm a coward. I'm such a selfish coward. And now our daughter is the one that has to pay for it.

He felt a hand brush lightly against his back and turned his head around to see Lynn. She sat down on the bench beside him.



"Well, I finally convinced her to come see me at least" Garreth said, holding his head in his hands, his eyes closed. "She kept saying that they'd be watching her closely now and that it was too risky and that if we tried to meet she'd put me in danger, but I made her promise..." His voice trailed off and he sighed, blinking back tears as he lifted his head and his eyes met Lynn's. "Can you believe that? She's the one that's been sentenced to die, because of ME, and yet here she is trying to protect me." He could barely get the words out and he paused and sat biting his lip, looking absently around the room as he tried to compose himself. He forcibly tapped his index finger on the table as he spoke. "A father is supposed to be able to protect his daughter."

"I'm so sorry Garreth" said Lynn softly.

He turned away again and hung his head and just sat silently for a while, staring down at the table. He wasn't even sure Lynn was still there when he spoke again, quietly, as much to himself as anyone else.

"It's over. I'm going back with her when we meet. I just want - I need - that bit of time with her before I turn myself in."

"You can't do that Garreth. It won't change anything."

She's right G. That's just a surefire way to get yourself killed.


"I know it won't Lynn. Doesn't matter... I'm doing it anyway."

Look, Honey. You're in an impossible, unthinkable situation. My heart breaks for you. It does. But, turning yourself in... G, they'll just kill you both.

I know.

The only way me and our beautiful daughter live on now Garreth is through you. Through your memories of us. That's how you be brave Honey. You live.

I can't Jules. I won't.

"But it would be suicide Garreth. There's nothing you can do. You know that."

Lynn put her hand on his leg but quickly pulled it back as he abruptly stood, knocking the table with his knee in the process.

"Do you really think I care anymore Lynn? At all?? They took my wife Lynn, and now..." He shook his head. "And it's all my fault!" He turned to go but Lynn grabbed him by the arm.

"Please. Just leave me alone."

"We've all suffered loss Garreth. I'm just trying to help."

"Oh yea? Where's your daughter Lynn? Oh, right... safe and sound and free. That's what I thought. You don't understand. You can't possibly understand." He pulled his arm away from her and walked out the door.

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