Chapter 31

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For the second time in two days Garreth was feeling like a complete idiot. And today was even worse than yesterday because today he was actually going back.

He nervously glanced behind him as he waited at the intersection. Jeepers. He really had to get a grip on himself. The lights changed but he stayed where he was, chewing on his lip and fidgeting with the keys in his pocket as he stared at the ground. This was stupid. Seriously stupid. I mean, yes, he was certainly desperate but this... this was surely just a waste of time. A waste of time that he didn't have.

Kenzie had certainly been proven right about some things, but that didn't make her right about everything. And besides, even if he could trust Kenzie, he knew nothing about her friends. And getting mixed up with a bunch of fanatics at this point wasn't likely to help his situation.

He closed his eyes and sighed, his shoulders sagging. He was desperate. And he was running out of time. What if there was something to what Kenzie had said? His expectations were low, but he had to find out. He figured it was at least pretty unlikely that a friend of Kenzie's would be any sort of government sympathizer that would turn him in, so worst - and most likely - case scenario, he'd just embarrass himself and then go back to Plan B. Which was, at this point, to actually come up with a Plan B.

Having finally made up his mind, if only barely, he stepped out into the intersection only to be met by the sound of a car horn blaring and tires squealing. A no doubt high ranking government official glared at him as he stepped back up on the curb to let the car pass by, proceeding through the light that had turned green while Garreth had been busy deliberating with himself.

Nice. Very cool G. Way to keep a low profile hun.

He stood leaning against the street sign.

Oh Jules... what am I doing?

Hey G...


The light's green. You can cross the street now.


Garreth opened the door to the laundromat, instantly feeling the warm air rush past him, escaping to the cool, wet streets. The same guy was there working the front desk as had been yesterday when Garreth had shown up and hesitantly asked for Walter. It had been an awkward exchange, as the guy had stared questioningly at Garreth for what had seemed like forever before telling him that there was no Walter there. Garreth had stammered out an apology, simultaneous with a whack of internal "I told you so's" as he'd turned and reached for the door. But just before he'd left the guy had called after him telling him to come back tomorrow at 11am. Garreth had stopped and turned back, intending to carry on the conversation, but by then the guy had disappeared into the back of the shop.

It was now tomorrow at 11am and, against his better judgement, he was back.

The guy behind the desk was finishing up with a customer, which almost gave Garreth enough time to change his mind. Then the customer left, and it was just the two of them. Garreth smiled weakly and nodded. The guy just stared blankly back at him.

Oh man. This was super awkward. Was it even the same guy as yesterday? This was a big mistake. He should just leave now before it got any worse.


C'mon Jules. This is crazy! What am I doing here???

Last time I checked G this was your best - sorry, your ONLY - plan so suck it up and ask for Walter already.

"Um, hey."

"Hey. Can I help you?" The guy looked past Garreth as he spoke, his eyes scanning the street outside.

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