Chapter 8

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Luna was still sleeping when Garreth got up and made his way to the bathroom. He stared at Julia's things on the counter, thought about his wife - his now dead wife that wasn't ever coming back - and he immediately found himself on his knees dry heaving over the toilet. He wasn't still sick. That had seemed to have passed already. No, this was just him realizing that his best friend was gone and that things would never be the same again.

G. I'm not asking you to be real "good" with all of this, but look... you've got to at least find a way to be functional, ok?

Garreth sat on the floor in heavy silence for a while before pulling himself up and turning on the shower. After a long, hot shower he made his way to the kitchen and started cooking some bacon and eggs. Not long after, Luna wandered in from the living room. She walked over to Garreth and gave him a big hug.

"Hey Dad."

Garreth held onto her as if he might lose her too. Unable to speak, his shoulders started to quiver as tears filled his eyes. Luna pushed him away just far enough so that she could look into his eyes when she spoke.

"Dad, stop it. I can't do this. I can't cry anymore... not right now, OK? Look, I'm not in denial. I know Mom is gone and she's not coming back, not ever, and it's left a huge hole in me that I know will never be completely filled. She's not going to be at my graduation, she's not going to be at my wedding... her grandkids will never know her as anything other than the smiling face of someone that looks a bit like me in some old photos. I get all of that. I do. And it tears me apart. Trust me. I'm going to miss her every day for the rest of my life. I know that. And anytime you want to sit down and miss her together and shed a tear or two or a hundred, count me in. But Dad, we're still here. Mom's life was taken from her way too soon and I'm never ever going to be good with that, but I am going to try my best to live the rest of my life as if it could suddenly be taken from me too. And you've got to do the same Dad. It would be disrespecting Mom's life if we didn't do our best to carry on and make the most of ours."

Garreth just stared at his daughter. Man, she reminded him so much of Julia right now.

A single tear rolled down Luna's face as she continued.

"Seriously Dad, what if it was you in that accident, and what if you could talk to Mom right now. What would you tell her? Life's either a gift Dad or it's not. Period. Losing Mom doesn't make it any less of a gift. If anything, it reminds us just how precious every day that we're given is. It's you and me now Dad. And Mack" she said as she bent down and scooped the little guy up in her arms and let him lick her face. "We've got to figure this out. We will figure it out. Together. We'll survive. We have to. I love you Dad. I need you."

Luna put Mack down and pulled her Dad close again. She gave him a good squeeze, then backed away and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand.

"I'm just going to grab a quick shower, OK?" She turned and started walking away. "Oh, and Dad... your bacon's burning."

Garreth watched her leave. Wow. Like mother like daughter. Pragmatic as all get out.

You know, I couldn't have said it better myself G. What was the 3 musketeers is now the dynamic duo. It is what it is. You're everything to each other now.

I'll always love you Jules.

I know you will G. But you don't have to live the rest of your life dry heaving over the toilet to prove that.

Garreth smiled. Just a little.

And G, Luna's right... your bacon's burning.

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