Chapter 42

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Luna sat on the edge of her bed, staring at her ringing phone. It was Bo. She couldn't convince herself to answer it, so she just let it continue to ring until it finally stopped.

She flopped back on the bed and closed her eyes. OK. She was a coward. She'd admit that. But she didn't plan on ignoring him forever. Just for... now.

Ding. It was a text from Bo. She sat up to read it, fidgeting with the rings on her fingers and biting softly on her lip.


She kept her hands in her lap, still not quite sure she was ready for even this.


Hey Lu. RU there???

She took a deep breath and slowly reached for her phone, hesitantly, as if it might jump up and bite her.

Hey. Yea. I'm here.

Tried to call. U didn't pick up. Y?

Dunno. Sorry.

U ok?

Yea. Fine. U?

Ok I guess. But...

She stared intently at her phone, waiting, not sure she was ready for whatever was coming next.

... we gotta talk. About last night.

She couldn't reply fast enough.

No. No we don't. Because last night was a mistake and it will never happen again. So there's nothing to talk about.

We can't just pretend it didn't happen.

Yes Bo, we can. And we will. We have to.

Luna stared at her phone for a good minute or more waiting for his reply, nervously tapping her fingers on the bed while she chewed on her tongue.

I need to tell Liv.


She continued before Bo had a chance to respond.

I spent all night convincing her that nothing happened. That she has nothing to worry about. Don't u dare say anything to her to make her start to second guess.

It happened Lu.

Luna shook her head, as if to convince herself of the things she was texting.

We just got caught up in the moment. It won't happen again.

It's been a bunch of moments for me Lu.

Luna found herself having a really, really difficult time getting her fingers to type the things that her head were telling her to say.

Olivia is my friend and I am not going to be THAT girl. I'm not. She tightly closed her eyes, willing herself to continue. So whatever silly feelings u think u had u better forget u ever had them. Before u say or do something stupid u better remember how much u love Olivia and how much she loves u. That's real Bo. Don't u go and screw that up.

There was another long pause. Luna shuddered as the thought hit her... what if he was talking to Olivia right now???

Ok Bo? Don't do anything stupid. PLEASE.



Luna both breathed a sigh of relief and blinked back tears. It was totally the right thing to do, she knew that. And it totally, absolutely sucked. Part of her had been hoping that Bo wouldn't listen to her and that he'd call Olivia and tell her... tell her everything. But no, this was better. This was the right thing to do. She was glad she'd been able to convince him of that. Except... she wasn't. Glad. Not at all.

Can we still b friends?

She sniffed and wiped her eyes before responding.

I dunno Bo. Can we?

Yes. Yes we can.


Besides, u need me. Losing me would instantly cut your total number of friends in half.

Haha. Very funny.



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