Chapter 17

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Garreth sat and stared at the printout in disbelief. He held it up to Julia's sample test results. They were identical. Kenzie was right. The sample Julia had tested was the same as the vaccine they'd given to Luna and, presumably, to the others. Her blood test proved that.

His head hurt as he tried to make sense of things. This certainly wasn't the answer he'd been expecting. Once he'd tested Luna's blood and disproved Kenzie's crazy theory he'd planned on moving on, accepting that it was his grief and Kenzie's persuasiveness that had fueled his conspiratorial thoughts, and that answers to the rest of his questions would surely come in time. In hindsight all this worry and mistrust and uncertainty would seem foolish. But this... this changed everything.

He sat and stared at his desk, focusing on nothing in particular. He was completely confused and to be honest, more than a little terrified.

He had no idea what to do. His mind seemed incapable of forming a coherent thought about all of this and the only person he felt like he could talk to was Kenzie. But she'd left for who knows where. Maybe he could call her, although after her comments last night he rather doubted that she'd pick up. Well, he had to try. It was the only thing he could think of.

He picked up his phone and dialed the number for Human Resources. "Hi. This is Garreth Timmons from Research."

"Hi Mr. Timmons. This is Irene. What can I do for you?"

"Hi Irene. Say, could you please do me a favor? Could you please get me the personal contact number for Kenzie... shoot, I don't know her last name. She's an intern up here that used to work with my wife Julia. Wait... Erikson. Kenzie Erikson. That's her name. Can I have her number please?"

There was a slight pause.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Timmons. Ms. Erikson was in a horrible car accident last night..."

"Wait... what?"

"Apparently the car she was in drove straight into a runaway transport vehicle. Anyway, I'm so sorry but I'm afraid she didn't make it. Ms. Erikson passed away Mr. Timmons. She's gone."


"Hello? Mr. Timmons? Did you hear me... are you still there?"

Garreth hung up the phone without saying anything.

He literally could not remember the last fatal car accident he'd heard of. They were simply a thing of the past and had been for quite some time. And yet in the past 2 weeks his wife and now her intern had both lost their lives in crashes, which made about as much sense as the mystery "vaccine" found in Luna's blood test results, which was none. None at all.

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