Chapter 61

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Luna and Bo rode the bus in silence, her head resting on his shoulder. The heaviness of the situation was impossible for either one of them to ignore.

Luna's emotions over the last few days had been unpredictable, often presenting themselves in rather unexpected ways given her circumstances. But now it seemed that she was finally past any delusions of being 'ok' with things or pretending not to care. She wasn't numb to her situation, that's for sure. No. Heavy, crushing grief, anxiety and fear had settled in, and as far as she could tell they were likely here to stay until the end. She supposed anything less would have simply been a denial of her reality. She leaned harder into Bo and wiped her tears with his shirt.

She was desperate to see her Dad now. Just to have him hold her for as long as he could. Plus, she still had to make sure that he didn't do something that would get himself killed. While her Dad had always been able to fix anything, she knew that this was different. This couldn't be fixed. He had to accept that. And while her Mom and Dad had always been there for her, this... this she would have to face without them. She was so sad. She was so scared. And she felt so, so lonely.

Luna's Dad had reached out to Bo to arrange the details of their meeting. Their final meeting. She sighed and sniffed. She didn't know why he hadn't contacted her, but messaging Bo had probably been the right thing to do. As it was, he'd had to almost drag her out of the house as getting motivated to do anything, even something that she wanted to do, seemed to be a real struggle for her now.

"You're going to be there, right Bo?" Luna said quietly.

"Yea. Yea, of course. I'm going with you." Bo nervously checked his watch. Again. He'd been acting weird all morning, but then again Luna realized that acting 'normal' would have been acting weird, so she'd dismissed it. "I just hope we get there on time. Your Dad was very clear. We can't be late. He said that whatever we do we can't be late Lu."

"No. I mean... at the. You know. At the... at... the 'end'. You're going to be there, with me, right?" Her body shuddered uncontrollably at saying the words that made it all so very horrifically real as she sobbed quietly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Bo gently put his armaround her, pulling her closer. "Of course Lu. Just don't think about thatright now though, ok?" he said, turning away from her to stare out the windowafter once again quickly checking his watch.

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