Chapter 24

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Luna had a feeling that Bo had been talking to her for quite a while before she'd even noticed that he'd sat down. She didn't need to bother saving a seat for him anymore. No one else ever sat beside her. Intentional or not, apparently she now exuded a rather strong "leave me alone" vibe.

"... anyways, I thought maybe you and I and Olivia could maybe hang out tonight? Maybe grab a pizza and watch a movie or something?"

"I don't know Bo. I... I might be busy."

Truth be told, she'd like nothing better than to hang out with Bo. For starters it would get her out of the house.

Ever since the big, horrible announcement and subsequent house confinement her home had become suffocating to her. It was so sad because home had always been a place of warmth and acceptance and love and laughter and safety. Of course she still loved her Dad, but these days more often than not she could tell that when he looked at her he was seeing his dead wife and that really creeped her out. Not that she could blame him as when she was home all she could think of was her dead Mom and her dead dog and her own soon to be granted state-imposed "expiration date".

Plus, just being with Bo usually helped make things just a little less grey for her, or at least with him she didn't feel like she had to mask her feelings. She never felt judged by him.

But including Olivia changed everything. She had tried to maintain their relationship - and Olivia had tried even harder - and they were still friends, sort of, but it was nothing like it had been before. But really, how could it be? I mean, Olivia was one of "them". One of the lucky ones. Her father's position in government had granted her family exempt status, a luxury only a small percentage of the population - those that held positions of power and influence - enjoyed. That day at school when they'd all gotten the shot? Olivia, along with Logan and a handful of other privileged kids... they'd all received a placebo. So, Olivia and her high society groupies would all still have the "privilege" of a long and happy life, while Luna and most everyone else would each be summarily killed off at some random time dictated by the state. The same state for which Olivia's father worked.

Of course none of this was Olivia's fault, but still, most days it was all Luna could do to just be civil around her, as if she were somehow to blame for everything.

"C'mon Lu... you can't keep blaming Olivia and pushing her away. It's not her fault. She had nothing to do with this."

Bo knew her too well.

"I know, I know."

"She misses you Lu."

Luna leaned her head back against the seat and stared up at the roof of the bus.

"You could use a good friend now more than ever, and Olivia is as good a friend as they come. You know that. And judging by the way that there's always an open seat beside you when I get on the bus, it's not exactly like people are lining up to apply for the job."

Still staring at theroof, Luna reached over and gave Bo a backhanded swat. She almost smiled.

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