Chapter 5

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*** A/N: Chapter / scene song from playlist - SUSPENSION (Mae) ***

Bo and Luna swung by Olivia's locker on their way to the lunchroom. Olivia was still putting her textbooks away and didn't see them coming, so Bo snuck up behind her and, wrapping his arms around her waist, gently kissed the back of her neck. Olivia melted into his embrace but kept her back to him.

"Oh Logan, stop. Bo's going to see us..."


Olivia turned around, giggling, and gave Bo a kiss on the cheek.

"OK. Seriously guys... that's WAY too much cuteness for me. I think I've lost my appetite."

"Oh, come on Lu, you're just jealous of me and my delicious boyfriend."

"Yea, that's it" said Luna. "He's pretty irresistible alright, especially when he falls asleep in History class and starts drooling all over his notebook."

"Lu, you have to admit, that class is soooooo boring! By the way, can I borrow your notes? I can't actually read what I wrote."

Bo held up his "notes", which consisted of a repeated pattern of a few legible words followed by the staggered line his pen made each time he fell asleep, and then a spike for each time he flinched awake again.

"Nice Bo" said Olivia. "Sort of looks like one of those heart rate monitor readout things."

"Hey, you're right! Don't worry, my good friend Lu here is going to hook me up with her always well taken notes, aren't you Lu?"

"Oh yea, sure Bo. Anything else I can do for you? Help you study? Write your final paper for you?"

"Ah come on Lu, you know you love me."

"Hello, Bo? I'm right here" said Olivia.

"Hey Liv, no worries... there's lots of Bo to go around."

"Seriously Bo. My stomach." Luna grimaced as she crossed her arms over her midsection. "Olivia, you win. You can have him."

"Oh, quit flirting you two" said Olivia as she closed her locker. "Bo's mine and I'm not sharing him." She grabbed Bo by the arm and started walking down the hall. "Let's go get us some of that always delicious cafeteria food."

"You two lovebirds go on ahead and save me a seat. I'll be there in a few minutes. I have to go wash off some of your cuteness. It's just so... icky."

"OK. See you there. Love you Lu!" yelled Bo back over his shoulder as Olivia dragged him away, feigning jealousy.

Luna stood in the girl's washroom and stared into the mirror. She had a problem. A BIG problem. She could no longer deny that she was beginning to have feelings for her best friend's boyfriend. How could this be happening? More importantly, how could she make it STOP? This was so unexpected and SO unacceptable.

She'd first consciously recognized or acknowledged these feelings a few weeks ago. It hadn't at all hit her like a tidal wave or anything, instead it was just a slow, gradually building thing. Like the incoming tide. And like the tide it had seemed to take on a life of its own without any encouragement from her. She continued to fight it, but it seemed she was losing. She had no idea what to do but she was very certain that there was no way that she was going to be THAT girl, so she knew she'd better figure out how to deal with the situation before things got really awkward.

There seemed to be quite a buzz in the cafeteria when Luna arrived. It was always a noisy place, but this seemed different somehow. She spotted Bo and Olivia and made her way over to where they were sitting.

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