Chapter 4

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*** A/N: Chapter / scene song from playlist - HURRICANE (Fleurie) ***

Julia was jolted from her thoughts by the horrendous metal on metal sound of her car smashing through the guardrail, and then she was silently airborne, headed for the river below. Her seatbelt dug into her chest and shoulder as the car slammed into the water, airbags instantly inflating to soften the blow to her head as it snapped violently forward. And then it got oddly quiet again.

While certainly not made to float, with its windows rolled up the car held enough air with a good enough seal that it didn't just sink like a stone either. Water did however immediately begin to find its way in and to steadily rise... first covering her feet, then quickly reaching up to her knees.

She forced aside her initial shock and panic, allowing her pragmatic, survivalist self to take over. She reached down and undid her seat belt. Water was now up to her waist. OK. Take a deep breath, lower the window and slide out. She took a deep breath and pressed the window down button. Nothing. Water was up past her stomach now. She moved to the other side of the car. Another deep breath. But that window didn't move either. She was up to her neck in water now and the panic returned. OK, OK. Deep breath, open the door. She pulled the release handle. Nothing.

She began frantically kicking and punching and scraping and clawing at the door. Blood from cuts on her fingers slowly swirled around in the water that was now almost up to her nose. She wanted to live! She HAD to live. This couldn't be the end. If she just had more time...

She pressed her face to the roof of the car to draw in her last gulp of air. Now she was completely submerged. The chill of the water and her rapid, shallow breathing hadn't allowed her to get much of a last breath, and it wasn't long before her lungs were demanding oxygen. What could she do?

Please, no. Garreth, what can I do?

She was out of time.

Garreth, help me... PLEASE!


I'm so sorry...

She knew full well that inhaling would be the end, but it was an involuntary reaction at this point. So, she breathed in, her body violently choked on the water it had hoped would be air, and everything went black. Her lifeless body floated lazily against the roof, her mouth and vacant eyes open, as the car slowly sank and came to rest on the riverbed.

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