Chapter 59

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The official leaned back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head, as he looked across his desk at Logan, who held his head low, refusing to make eye contact. Logan's face was a dark purplish black all around his eyes and a large bandage appeared to be holding his nose in place.

"Why didn't you come forward sooner with this information son? I mean... it's been years. Why now?"

"Who cares Jim?" said Logan's father who sat next to his son. "He's telling you now. Aren't you always looking for a good opportunity to make an example? Well... here you go."

The man behind the desk thought for a moment as he fidgeted with his pen before nodding at Logan's father.

"Yes. Yes we are. And you're right... who cares." He stood and extended his hand across the desk. "Thanks for coming in. Consider it done."

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