Chapter 43

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*** A/N: Chapter / scene song from playlist - TEAR IN MY HEART (Twenty One Pilots) ***

"OK Liv. Why are we here and whatcha got in the great big bag?" Luna asked as she stepped off the bus and walked towards Olivia, who stood waiting, an oversized gym bag sitting on the ground beside her.

"What I've got in the bag my dear Luna IS why we're here" Olivia replied with a grin.

Luna gave Olivia her best 'what?' face and shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry Liv, but did you answer either one of my questions?"

Olivia just stood there, her grin getting sillier.

"OK Miss Mystery, I'll bite. Lemme see what's in the bag." Luna reached down to open the bag that sat at Olivia's feet, but Olivia abruptly yanked it away.

"No! Not here. Come on..." Olivia quickly glanced around her, very cloak-and-dagger like, before running off down the street, oversized bag in hand.

"Oh good grief Liv. Seriously? What in the world..." Luna stopped short, realizing that her friend was now too far away to hear her. She closed her eyes and sighed, shaking her head, and then ran off after Olivia, grinning ever so slightly. She was a bit annoyed and definitely confused, but she had to admit that she was also somewhat intrigued and at least slightly entertained.

Luna caught up to her friend as she turned off the main road with its street and house lights and slowed to a walk, continuing down a dark path that Luna recognized as leading towards the river.

"Olivia! What are we doing???" Luna asked, a bit out of breath.

"Shhhhh! Just follow me... and be quiet!"

Luna narrowed her eyes at her friend as she stopped to look around.

Olivia turned and gestured to her with her hands. "C'mon Lu, we're almost there!" she whispered.

How could they be almost there thought Lu. They were... nowhere. She shrugged her shoulders to herself and followed Olivia into the darkness. Whatever. She'd come this far. She might as well see what the big secret was.

A couple of minutes later Olivia stopped and put the bag down on the ground beside her. She was still grinning, obviously pleased with herself and eager for Luna to share in her excitement.

"OK. Go ahead Lu. Open the bag."

"Finally! This better be good Liv" said Luna as she knelt down to unzip the bag. She instantly jumped back.

"Sheesh Liv! What the..."

Collecting herself, she took a step back towards the bag to get a better look. "Oh yea, that's not creepy at all Liv."

"Ha! You like it? I call him Bob."

"That's nice Liv. New boyfriend I assume? He's an upgrade from Bo I must admit. And no, I don't particularly like it, or him, thanks. But I think the bigger question is, why are we - you and I and... Bob-in-a-bag - out here in the middle of nowhere???"

"Oh, come on Luna. You're just jealous. I made him myself and I think he's rather handsome, if I do say so myself. He does come as 'some assembly required' however" she said as she reached down into the bag. "I had to detach his legs in order to fit him into the bag." She stood up holding a solid leg aloft in each arm, giggling at herself. "C'mon. Help me get the rest of him out."

Luna knelt down and held the bag steady while Olivia reached in and pulled out the torso, arms and head of a fully dressed mannequin wearing a wig and glasses.

Olivia held the legless mannequin out in front of her facing Luna, moving its arms like a giant, creepy puppet. "Hi Luna. My name's Bob! Can you help me find my legs?" she said in her best giant, creepy puppet voice.

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