Chapter 37

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"Well, what do you think Lu? Pretty fantastic, hey? Shocker... you're a lot squirmier than my dolls and a whole lot less patient, but I still think it turned out pretty fabulous if I do say so myself."

Luna had arrived at Olivia's, albeit somewhat reluctantly, shortly after 6 as they'd planned. Olivia had spent the first ½ hour doing Luna's nails and makeup - which Luna reminded her hadn't been part of the original agreement - before moving on to her hair, which she'd been messing with now for almost ¾ of an hour. Truth be told it had been kind of fun being attended to and fussed over like this, but she'd never admit that to Olivia.

Luna looked at herself in the mirror as Olivia held another smaller mirror up so that she could see the back. Olivia had loosely curled her long hair in waves and then taken some from the front and formed two braids, wrapping them around to the back of her head where she'd joined them together to form one wider braid that fell loosely down her back. She'd left a small bit of hair to fall down in front of her ears on each side. Luna would have absolutely loved it on someone else.

"Lovely Liv. Just lovely" she said, not nearly enthusiastic enough. She actually wished that she sounded more thankful, because she was. She was thankful. It was just, well... she was going to the dance with her best friend's boyfriend so sort of what was the point of fussing over how she looked? Besides, this wasn't her. She wasn't, you know... pretty. "It's a little elvish though, isn't it?"

"If by 'elvish' you mean drop dead, scandalously gorgeous with, yes, a slight 'Lord of the Rings' feel to it then, yes. Absolutely."

"Thanks Liv, really. I like it. I do. It's great."

Olivia put her hands on her hips and screwed her face up at her friend, who was obviously having way too hard a time taking a compliment. "Yes, it is great Luna. It's beautiful. You're beautiful."

Luna rolled her eyes as she stood. "Well, I'm glad I could be your plaything Liv and allow you to live out your childhood fantasy of being a hairdresser, but I guess I'd better think about going."

Olivia put a finger to her lips, studying her friend. "Not quite yet Luna dear. I have an idea. Stay here... I'll be right back."

"Seriously Liv, I think your work here is done" Luna called after her as she ran down the hall.

Luna found herself glancing in the mirror again while she waited. Honestly, she loved what Olivia had done with her hair. And her makeup and nails... she couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten so dressed up. She screwed up her mouth and sighed. Dressed up. Right. Well, it was the best outfit she could find that fit. Besides, it didn't matter anyway. She was only going with Bo.

A minute or so later Olivia returned with a big smile on her face, holding something behind her back. Luna smiled back, raising her eyebrows at her friend questioningly. "Whatcha got there Liv?"

"Tada!" said Olivia as she held out what was, at a glance, the most beautiful dress Luna had ever seen. "This is the dress that I was going to wear to the dance if, you know, I hadn't gone and gotten all mumpy that is."

"It's beautiful Liv. It really is. I'm so sorry you couldn't wear it to the dance."

Olivia held the dress out to Luna, her eyes wide with excitement. "You should totally try it on Lu!"

Luna narrowed her eyes at her friend, confused. "What?" she said, shaking her head slowly from side to side. "No. No way. That's your dress Olivia. Besides, it would never fit me."

"What are you talking about? Of course it'll fit. And yes, you're trying it on. Here." She shoved the dress at Luna.

"No. Olivia, no..." Luna said as she tried to pass the dress back.

"Luna! Stop being such a pain! Just try on the stupid dress already. Look, I'm going to go pee. If you're not in that dress by the time I get back, then I'm going to make you sit down again while I repaint your nails and change your hair. And this time I'll really take my time."

Luna could tell that her friend was in no mood to be argued with, so she figured it was probably best to just go ahead and try on the dress. If she could even get it on that was. Then once Olivia saw how bad it looked on her, she could change back into her own clothes and maybe with any luck escape this pop-up beauty parlor before she was late to meet Bo at the dance.

She put the dress on as carefully as she could and then stood staring at it - and at herself - in the mirror. It was light blue... the color of the sky on a beautiful, crisp October day. It had a halter top with a high, beaded neckline and a slim fitting bodice that was delicately patterned in lighter shades of blue and white and it had a low, open back. A small braided rope tied at the waist, and from there chiffon fell luxuriously all the way to the floor in loose, elegant folds that swayed gently as she moved. She loosely bit her lip. She'd never worn anything like it. Not even close. It was so pretty, and knowing Olivia, no doubt so expensive.

Luna had her back to the door and didn't notice Olivia walk back into the room. "I knew it. You look absolutely stunning Lu."

Luna turned around, startled. "It's a beautiful dress Liv."

"Yes it is, and you look absolutely stunning in it."

"No, I don't."

"Um... yes! You do."

Luna wrung her hands together. "Well, you're wrong but thanks anyway. It's a beautiful dress though for sure. Thanks for letting me try it on." She turned her back to Olivia. "Can you please give me a hand undoing the zipper. I don't want to wreck it."


Luna looked over her shoulder at Olivia, confused. "What? What do you mean 'nope'? Why not?"

"I'm not helping you take that dress off because you're not taking it off."

"Uh, yes I am. Olivia. I have to go, or I'll be late" she said as she turned to face her friend.

"I know you have to go. I also know that you have to go in that dress."

Luna shook her head slowly at Olivia. "No. No Liv. I am NOT wearing your dress. No way. I can't."

"Oh yes you can. Girl, you look way too damn fine in that dress to take it off. People deserve to see you in that dress."

"Olivia, no..."

"Look, Lu. That dress is just begging to be worn and if I can't wear it to the dance then who better to wear it than my best friend?"

"I don't know Liv..."

"Nope. It's settled. And I'm going to call you a cab, 'cause there's no way that dress is taking the city bus to the dance."

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