Chapter 38

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*** A/N: Chapter / scene song from playlist - DON'T KEEP DRIVING (The Paper Kites) ***

Luna stepped carefully out of the cab. She was late and everyone was already inside. Shoot. She had really been hoping that Bo would be waiting for her. She stood for a moment playing with the folds of her dress, giving some serious thought to the idea of just leaving. She felt so self-conscious. No. She couldn't go in there. Not alone. Not like this.

She shook her head and looked down at her dress. At Olivia's dress. Sure, it had been fun trying it on, but now she just felt silly. She ran her fingers loosely through the waves of her hair and held out her hands, looking at her fingernails. This wasn't her. Why did she ever think she could pull this off? She doubted that Bo would make fun of her. He was too nice. But the other kids? No, she really wasn't up for the mockery.

With a sigh she turned away and started walking towards the bus stop when she noticed someone walking towards her. It was dark out, but Luna could tell immediately that it was Bo.

"Lu? Lu, is that you? When did you get here... how did you get here? I've been waiting at the bus stop but I..." Bo stopped mid-sentence and stood there. Just stood there.

"I know, I know. Stop staring." Luna put a hand to her forehead. "I know, it's stupid. Olivia wanted to do something with my hair, she begged me, and I thought 'ok, whatever... no big deal, she'll just do some curls or something' and then she does this" she said, pointing at herself. "But first she made me let her do my nails and put makeup on me, which was never part of the deal..."

Bo was still just standing there. He hadn't said a word, but the way he was staring... it made her feel... not uncomfortable, not really. At least not in the way she'd expect. No, she didn't feel uncomfortable, but she did feel suddenly very warm and a little short of breath.

" anyway, then finally we get finished with Olivia playing hairdresser and I'm just about to leave and she says 'wait a minute' and she runs and comes back with this, the dress she was going to wear, and she makes me try it on, and then she won't let me take it off, and next thing I know I'm in a cab on the way to the dance looking like this. I know. I'm sorry... it's stupid. I shouldn't have let her. It's... this is all way too much. Let's just go, ok?" She started to walk towards the bus stop.

"Lu" Bo said softly.

"C'mon Bo. It's ok. Let's just leave."

Bo gently grabbed and held her arm as she went to walk past him. She stopped and looked at him, noticing for the first time that his cheeks looked like hers felt right now. With his free hand Bo scratched the back of his head as he shuffled his feet. Luna bit her lip as he started to shake his head slowly from side to side. He raised an eyebrow as a big smile grew on his face.

"Lu. Lu... you look... well, amazing!"

Luna stared down at the ground self-consciously. "No. No I don't. It's ok Bo. This. All of this... it's not me, I know. C'mon. Let's just go, ok?"

Bo let go of her arm and reached up and put a hand on each of her shoulders. He was silent until she looked up at him, rolling her eyes. "What?"

"Lu. You look absolutely stunning."

"No, I..."

"Stop it! Luna. Stop. I am telling you as your friend, that you look amazing. I just wish I could find you an appropriate date for the evening. I mean, look at me? 'One of these things is not like the other' or what? But hey, you got here late so I guess I'll have to do, right? But I'm telling you, as soon as you walk in that door, you're going to be able to choose who you want to dance with." He gave her a mischievous look. "Girl, you are going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of previously happy couples tonight."

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