Chapter 67

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Luna and Bo stood and stared at the old Mustang illuminated by dusty light that streamed in through the open barn doors.

Bo leaned up against the car for support, rubbing his forehead as he spoke. "So your plan is, basically, to drive this car up to and right through the border. That's your plan?"

"Uh huh" she said with a smile, clearly far more optimistic about the idea than he was. "Look, the border crossings are the weakest points of the whole fence system, 'cause they count on their fancy ER whatever things..."

"Their EMP cannons."

"...right, those. They count on their EMP cannons to disable any approaching vehicle. But you said it yourself Bo. This car isn't electric! This old car won't - shouldn't - be affected by those things. So, we just floor it and plow right through the weak point and 'bam!' we're outta here!"

"I'm sure those crossings have guards too Lu."

"Yea, I know. But they've been closed for a long time. Nobody's been allowed to cross for quite a while. There's probably hardly anyone there. And before you say it, yes, I'm sure they have guns and stuff too, but I doubt they're used to having to use them. We'll catch them by surprise Bo. We'll just fly up, bash through the gate" she said enthusiastically as she smashed her fist into her open hand, "and be gone before they even know what happened!"

Bo was quiet for a moment as he ran his hand along the car's front fender, then brushed the dust off on his pants.

"So, you got a battery from where?"

Luna took a few excited steps over to a table along the wall of the barn and pulled the battery out of her backpack. "From Lynn, my Dad's friend. I know... pretty smart of me to think of that, right?" She smiled. "I just need your help to hook it up."

Bo sighed as he drew with his finger in the dust on the hood of the car. "Look, Lu. Even if this had any chance of actually working, aren't we forgetting about something?" He paused briefly as he looked up at her. "What happens when - if - I get out beyond the boundary? Sure, I probably won't die right at 8pm like I'm supposed to, but I won't last much longer than that before I just slowly fade away."

"I know. I know. I didn't forget about that. But there are rumors of a cure on the outside, remember? You told me yourself... that's what the laundromat people said, right? So, we just need to get out and get you to someone that can help before, you know... before it's too late. We'll just drive until we find someone. It can't be that far to some sort of town."

Bo shuffled his feet and chewed on his lip. "I dunno Lu. This all sounds super risky. And there are an awful lot of unknowns."

"Look, Bo. If we stay here, you die. That's something we do know."

"Yes, and you live. Your plan, your idea... I admit that it makes some sense, but for me. Not for you."

Luna raised her eyebrows and looked him up and down judgingly. "So you're proposing to do this by yourself, in your condition?" She gave him a condescending, 'aw, isn't that cute and ridiculous' smile. "Right. I don't think so. And we've already established that I have no desire to hang around here without you. C'mon Bo" she pleaded. "You have to admit that this has a real chance of working!"

They stood quietly, staring each other down, each waiting for the other to crack. Luna smiled slightly and nudged the battery that she'd placed on the floor towards Bo with her foot.

"Why does this remind me of that movie we watched together? We both remember how that movie ended, right?"

Luna nodded her head and gave him a wink. "You're warming up to the plan, aren't you?"

"No Lu. I'm really not. I admit that I'm impressed by the creativity, and I admire the fact that your plan appears to at least hint of some degree of logic, but this is still almost certainly a suicide mission, so..."

Luna gave him her best impatient look, taking an exaggerated glance at her watch for effect as he continued.

"...what are the chances I can talk you out of this madness and we can go sit under a nice tree somewhere? I can try to enjoy my last bit of time and after that you can just carry on happily-as-possible ever after here without me, instead of you needlessly risking your young life on some bound to fail miserably 'plan'" he said, air quoting that last bit.

"No chance" replied Luna, shaking her head, a determined yet sad look on her face. She stared out the open barn door, speaking softly now, almost to herself. "My Mom died trying to save me. My best friend was killed because of my stupid, pointless pranks. And my Dad literally gave his life to me." She paused as she once again turned to face Bo, wiping tears from her eyes. "It's my turn to give Bo. Let me help you. Let me try. Please."

Bo stared down at the floor silently as he tapped his fingers on the hood of the car. He reached up and scratched his head, giving Luna a look that she happily interpreted as consent. Hesitant and reluctant, but consent nonetheless.

She smiled as she ran around to the driver's side of the car. "And honestly Bo? Really, you might as well go along with the plan anyway, 'cause you're getting so weak from those drugs that pretty soon I'd be able to just shove you into the car and close the door and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

"Don't make me regret this Lu."

"Don't worry. If things don't go as planned, you won't be around long to regret much of anything" she said, flashing him a big cheesy grin. "Now, grab that battery while I pop the hood."

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