Chapter 57

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When Luna and Bo got off the bus, they noticed that there seemed to be a lot more people hanging around than they would have normally expected. As they made their way down the path towards the beach, they soon found out why. It was another DoD party - some guy from the football team apparently - and it was in full, disgusting, tragic swing. Bo stopped and put his hand on Luna's arm.

"Shoot Lu. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. C'mon... let's just leave."

Luna gave him a weak smile. "It's fine Bo. We're here now. If we go far enough down the beach maybe we won't be able to hear them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea. C'mon. Let's just get away from here before anyone sees us."

They'd almost managed to skirt around the party without being noticed when suddenly a familiar figure emerged from behind a nearby sand dune trying to zip up his pants with one hand, his other holding a drink.

"Heyyyyy. You two almost caught me with my pants down. Just answering the call of nature. You know... 'draining the main vein'." He winked. "A couple of minutes earlier and you guys would have gotten quite the show."

Luna snapped her fingers sarcastically. "Darn. Can't seem to catch a break."

"C'mon Lu" said Bo, stepping between her and Logan. "Let's go."

"Whoa, whoa... wait a minute. Where you goin'? The party's this way B-lu." Logan chuckled to himself. "See what I did there... I put Bo and Lu like, together, to make just 'B-lu'. Pretty clever, eh?"

"Got it. Yea, good one Logan. Very clever."

Bo started walking with his hand on Luna's back gently directing her down the beach, away from the party and away from Logan, who was still struggling with his zipper.

"I guess that'll be you soon eh Luna?"

Luna and Bo both stopped in their tracks, but neither of them turned around.

"Yea, I heard. Everybody heard. Won't be long now I guess. Hey... maybe you wanna, you know... hook up before you 'go'? You and me? I mean, why not? We can even wait until the DoD drugs start kicking in if you want. I don't care."

Bo started to turn back towards Logan, but Luna grabbed his arm.

"No. Don't Bo. He's not worth it and you know it. Just ignore him."

"Yea sure Logan, maybe" she called out over her shoulder as she started walking again, dragging Bo along with her. "I'll get back to you on that."

"Yea, Bo there... he's lucky. His parents died and left him all those days. Too bad your Daddy didn't die too eh Lu, instead of just running away and abandoning you like a coward."

Luna tightened her grip on Bo's arm. "Ignore him Bo. He's an idiot. We both know it. Just keep walking."

"Ok, ok. My bad. That was offside. Tell me something though Lu... what's it feel like to know you're expiring before the milk in your fridge? Ha! Good one Logie" he said to himself as he finally gave up on his zipper. He waved his hand drunkenly at Bo and Luna. "Whatever. Fuck you guys" he said as he turned to head back towards the party.

Bo stopped, shaking Luna's hand from his arm and slowly, deliberately started walking back towards Logan.

"Bo. Bo! No. Stop it. C'mon... let's just go."

Ignoring her, Bo continued towards Logan who still had his back to them.

"No. Fuck YOU Logan!"

Logan turned around awkwardly, drink to his lips, just as Bo arrived to deliver a fist to his face. His plastic cup shattered, spraying him and Bo with whatever was left of whatever it was that he'd been drinking, and Luna heard a second distinctly different cracking sound that she guessed was Logan's nose breaking. The punch knocked him to the ground where he lay stunned, blood streaming through the fingers of the hand that he held over his face.

Bo turned and stompedback towards Luna. "Ok, now we can go" he said quietly as he walked past herand headed off down the beach.

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