Chapter 51

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*** A/N: Chapter / scene song from playlist - O (Coldplay) ***

*** A/N: Chapter / scene song from playlist - BROKEN WINGS (Flyleaf) ***

A hush fell over the courtroom. They all watched as Olivia's Dad and stepmom and a ½ dozen or so government officials filed in solemnly and took their seats at the front. Olivia's Dad looked appropriately sad, and despite his standing and all the evil that he represented, Luna almost felt sorry for him. No matter what else he was, he was still a father and it had to be hard for him to watch his daughter go through this, regardless of the certainty of the outcome. Olivia's stepmom on the other hand looked annoyed, like this whole thing was a big inconvenience to her. That woman didn't have a loving or sympathetic bone in her body for Olivia.

A few awkward silent moments passed before some doors at the front of the courtroom opened and in walked Olivia led by two police officers, with another two following closely behind her. Luna's breath caught in her throat at the sight of her friend and she immediately began to blink back tears.

Olivia was wearing a baggy orange jumpsuit that was so oversized that she appeared to be, well... drowning in it, ironically. On her feet were white disposable slippers, like the kind you might get in the hospital. As if the four police escorts weren't overkill enough, Olivia's hands were cuffed behind her back and her feet were shackled together, causing her to shuffle as she walked. Poor Olivia! Even if it was just for show, Luna couldn't believe they were treating one of their own like this. She - they - had pulled a harmless prank that had led to an unfortunate accident and Olivia was being treated like some kind of criminal! She shuddered to think of what her trial would have looked like if she'd been the one charged, her without any of the privilege and protection that Olivia was afforded.

Luna tried her best to make eye contact to make sure that her friend knew that she wasn't alone, but Olivia's eyes darted around the room like a cornered animal searching for a way out... desperate to fight or flight and panicked by the complete inability to do either. Hang in there Liv she thought to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek. Soon we'll be back hanging out at the beach laughing about how jumpsuits aren't really your thing.

Olivia was led to stand in front of the judge who had since entered the courtroom through a door directly behind the podium and now sat looking down sternly at the accused. Olivia's police escort formed a diamond around her, with one standing on each side of her, one in front and one behind her. Even from where she sat Luna could see Olivia shaking as she stood unsteadily, rocking slightly from side to side.

As she looked around the courtroom Luna was struck by the absence of a defense attorney. Or even a prosecutor for that matter. And there certainly wasn't a jury. So much for due process she thought, but that obviously went out the door a long time ago along with basic freedom, equality and the right to live and let live. Of course the judge alone would be 'judge, jury and executioner' as they say. Again, she shuddered to think of how her 'trial' would have unfolded if she were in Olivia's prison slippers. She instantly felt ashamed for even briefly making this about her again. Yes, Olivia would get out of this ok, but right now her friend was suffering, terrified and humiliated.

Luna glanced towards Olivia's Dad. Any amount of sympathy she'd felt for him had now completely disappeared. Her sadness for Olivia turned to rage as she stared at the back of his head. Bastard she thought. How dare you let them put your daughter through this.

The judge's gavel strike returned her attention back to the front of the courtroom, and to Olivia.

"Olivia June Ryan, you stand accused of crimes against the state and humanity, including sedition and attempted murder. How do you plead?"

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