Chapter 2: Mr. Jeon's Surprise Visit

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Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung


I guess my luck is not on my side.

Now a days, all companies are in need of a collage graduate. Who the hell will hire a student like me?

If things gets more difficult, i guess i need to stop from my studies and just look for a job.

If only my parents didn't die, life is not like this. Even though the fact that we are poor, at least my parents are there for us.

If i wonder all this 'if's' in my life now, things will be more difficult. I know i've nothing to lose anymore coz i've lost enough.

I've reach my apartment and open the door to see my brother happy, just seeing him happy makes my heart flutter and a involuntary smile curve in my lips.

Even though my brother isn't having a normal life, he was always happy. And thats enough for me to think positive for our life.

"...,how are you?" I ask calming myself from my anxiety. Staring at him if to be sure that he's alright.

"Im great, hyung. How are you? Did you get the job that you wanted?" He asked with an excitement.

I nodded. "No, they have hired one already ." I lied not to worry him.

"Oh..its okay. For sure there are jobs that are suitable for you." He said with a smile.

"Yeah, i hope so." I muttered the last part not for him to hear.

"Hyung can we go out today? Im bored." He complained.

My heart clench in sorrow. Because of his heart condition, i always make sure that Jake will not exert his self. He suffered heart attack for 5 times and i need to run him to the hospital, praying to God that he will be alright.

And everytime that the doctor tell me not to let Jake exert his self and tell me too about his surgery....if only the doctor knows how much im struggling to get the money....

"We can do something here, Jake. Im sorry but you know your condition, right." I said to him. While wishing that somehow, from somewhere i can get the money for his surgery.

Guilt and desperation stabbed my heart when Jake's smile fell from his face. The spark in his eyes becomes dull and he sighed.

"Its been a month hyung since i went out, please just for 20 minutes lets go to the park or anywhere, please hyung." He beg desperately.

I sighed in defeat.
"Ok fine, we'll go to the library and you can read books too."

That place is the only place i know that he will not exert much energy.

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