Chapter 6: Heartbeats

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Taehyung's Pov:

I woke up by the sun rays peaking my eyes, i rub my eyes and stretch my arms towards the ceiling, eyes shut. I slowly open my eyes and look around.

A smile voluntarily form from my lips

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A smile voluntarily form from my lips. Eyes wondering outside the window, how beautiful it is, and seeing the king size bed where im still sitting when i gasp.

"Oh am i? What happen?...god..

I jump from the bed, pacing around thinking how the hell im here and and who....

My thoughts are suddenly disturb hearing a small knock from the door, i just stand to where i am then the door open. A lady in his late 50's enter with her sweet smile.

"Goodmorning Mr. Kim." She said.
I open my mouth just to close it again, no words coming from it. Still processing where the hell i am.

The woman notice it and walk more closer to me.

"Mr. Jeon ask me to give you this and wait for you to lead you to the dining room."

"Mr. Jeon?" I said then the memory of yesterday kick me in.
"Oh sorry mam but i really do need to go now." I bow and rush towards the door, running down the stair to the main door, when i heard someone call my name but ignore it.


I reach the knob then run outside ignoring my surroundings.

'Damn you Tae. What are you doing? Do you know how to get out from here?" I mentally scolded myself.


Another calls for my name, yet ignored it again.

I saw the gate and rush towards it. I stand infront of the gate, take a deep breath.

"Goodmorning sir. But you are not allowed to go." A man with a uniform said.

I raised my eyebrows and face him.

"Mr. Jeon-

"Kim Taehyung!"

A deep voice that gives me goosebump and flinch. I turn back just to see that the one called me is no other than Jeon Jungkook.

He slowly walk towards me and just a meter away,our eyes met.

A moment of silence then i averted my eyes to somewhere,i cannot tolerate how he stare at me.

"Im sorry sir,but i really need go ho...home." i said stuttering and bowed.

I can see how he frown when i look again.

Those emotionless eyes that i saw before,is holding something different now.

"Come with me,lets talk inside." He said,eyes not leaving me.

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