Final Chapter: Happy Family

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"Tae, you should not do that. What if something happens to you and your baby?" Jin worriedly say upon hearing that Taehyung drives to go at the mall.

"Hyung im fine and will not say anything to Jungkook,right?" Taehyung uses hos puppy eyes that nobody can resist.

"Haist!!! Stop using that cute eyes Tae. For sure if Jungkook knows about this, he will kill that poor driver." He said and Taehyung realised that. He feels guilty about it.

They were currently at the mall. Taehyung feels bored staying alone at their mansion, literally hes not alone, the maids are there too. But Taehyung being Taehyung, he told Yugyeom that he will go to the mall. When the driver told him that he will drop him, Taehyung insist that he will go alone thats how he go, and due to a fear that something might happen, Yugyeom called Jin and told him about the pregnant boy.

Jin scold him but apologised knowing how stubborn his cousin is. He then drive to the mall whete he found Taehyung at the baby shop.

Jungkook was on his business trip for a week so he told everyone in the mansion to take a good cate to his husband. He really foesnt want to leave him knowing that this month, Taehyung will give birth. But Taehyung told him that he needs to go, he's the ceo and that business meeting is important. Its been four days since he left Korea but he made sure to call him everyday day, or almost every hour. Making it sure that he is safe.

He suddenly have the urge to call Taehyung after his meeting. He took hos phone and dialed his number. It took a second only when the other answered his call.

"Hi are--" he stop when he notice a noisy background at the otherline.

"Im fine Kook. I miss you.." Taehyung said,and Jungkook knows that he is pouting now.

"And why are you outside,baby?I told you to stay at home,right?What if something happens while im not with you?" he said calmly but deep inside of him he is worriedly sick.

"Kookie, im with Jin hyung. Im bored so i told him to accompany me." He lied. Jungkook sigh and ask Taehyung to give his phone to Jin.

"Hello hyung" but before anything , he heard Jin shouted.

"Taehyung! Oh my god..."

"Hyung...hyung what's happrning?!" He ask but he got nothing in from the other line until he heard a painful shout from Taehyung. He panic not knowung what was happening. He ended the call and called Yugyeom but got no answer.

"Damn it!" he groaned. He tried to call Yugyeom again but still no answer. He was about to call his brother when his phone rings.

"Im sorry Mr. Jeon."

"Damn it. Im so worried about Taehyung and i cant contact you!" he angrilly spat.

"We just arrived at the hospital, Mr. Jeon and--

"What? What happen to him?! Damn it!"

"The baby Mr. Jeo--" Jungkook didnt let the other the otber dinish his words, he cut the call and told his secretary to book a ticket back to Korea. He seems lucky that his secretary got a ticket for evening flight. His meeting with hos business partners are important,but Taehyung and his baby is his priority right now. Just hearing his driver mention avout baby earlier, he knows that Taehyung is giving birth at the moment.

He keeps walking back and forth to his office. He is nervous yet excited to see them.

At the hospital, they givea special treatment to Taehyung, knowing that he is Jeon's husband. Jin called Namjoon and told him about Taehyung. The other was so happy that he came in the hospital with Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin.

They were all waiting outside the operating room.

"Did Jungkook knows about it?" thats when Jin remember that Jungkook was calling earlier. He facepalm himself and quickly dialed the youngers number. He apologised for ignoring him anf the other said its okay. He told Jin that he's coming back early tomorrow.

Time skip:

Taehyung woke up next morning. He weakly open his eyes and realised he was in the hospital. He felt someone holding his hand, he look at the person sitting beside him, he smiles upon seeing his husbands face. Jungkookwas sleeping,holding his hand. He run his finger to his husband face.

"Goodmorning." the nurse said when he entered the room and saw him awake. Jungkook suddenly woke up and smile seeing Taehyung awake.

"Goodmorning baby." He said kissing him.

"Where's my baby?" Taehyung ask and another nurse came in carrying a baby in her arms. Jungkook stands up and stare at the little thing wrap with white soft linen. The nurse notice him with tear in his eyes.

"Can..can i hold him?" Jungkook stutter and the nurse smiled at him. Gently handle the cute little angel to his arms.

Taehyung sits on the bed, leans his back and lovingly watch Jungkook holding their little angel.

"Congratulations" Jin said when he enters the room. Followed by their hyungs. They all giggled seeing how cute this little angel is.

"Wow, Taehyung. He looks like you. he's beautiful." Jimin said, touching the baby's cheeks.

"Kook, can i hold him?" Taehyung says and Jungkook brings him to his arms.

"Thank you baby for giving him. I love you." Jungkook says.

"I love you too, Kookie. And i love you my little angel." Taehyung says.

"What's het name?"Yoongi and Hoseok ask in unison.

"Jeon Taeguk" Taehyung replief and Jungkook wants nothing more in this world than to be with his family. He kiss Taehyung and his little Taeguk. The others watch how happy this small family infront of them. They wish nothing else but their happiness.




Im so sorry if this the ending. I know its not a what you expect.

Please do support my other story too.

Godbless and thank you all.


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