Chapter 44: I am Jeon Kim Taehyung!

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At Jeon's company, Namjin along with Hoseok and Yoonmin couple are present at Jungkook's office. They are all aware of what the young ceo is planning and they all supported it.

"So, you will again propose to him ?" Jin ask with smile.

"Yes hyung. And i want to marry him infront of everyone by next month." Jungkook replied with excitement in his eyes.

"Okay, so lets make all things perfect." Jin clasp his both hands. Everyone was so excited about it. After discussing everything, they all leave the younger office except of course Jungkook. He continue his works and signed some documents.

He suddenly stop and smile imagining him marrying the love of his life, his Taehyung.

Taehyung was bored again being alone in the mansion, so he decided to visit Jungkook at his office. Its been howany months since his last visit at the company. He look at his watch and its past lunch already but still decides go and bring some pack lunch for his husband. He smiles sweetly thinking the word husband and he cant still get used to it.

Thirty minutes and he arrive at the office, just when he opens the main glass door, Remy saw him and she runs towards him.

"Oh god,Mr. are you? Where did you go? How...

"Hey, im okay." He said to the receptionist who become his friends since then. They talk a little until Taehyung ask her about Jungkook.

"He's in his office, i will tell him--

"No. I want to surprise him." He cuts and the girl smiled at him before walking him to the vip elevator. He enter inside and before the door closes, Remy talks again.

"I really miss you, Mr.Jeon Taehyung." She said and Taehyung's face shows a bit of shock thats not gone unnoticed to the other. She covers her mouth thinking she had said something she should not.

"Im sorry Mr. Kim...oh god...Mr. Jeon will surely kill me...." she mumbled but Taehyung pat her shoulder and hug her.

"Its okay. I know about it already. Its just that im not expecting you to know about it." He said to calm the receptionist. Remy sigh in relief hearing him then she composes herself and smile at him.

"Everyone in the company knows about you, Mr. Jeon Taehyung." She said and wink that made Taehyung more shock to the sudden confession. He didnt realise the door closes.

The elevator opens when he reach the office but still in his deep thought until he hears someone.

"Mr. Kim?" He blinks a few more then smile awkwardly seeing a woman right infront of him.
"Are you okay, Mr. Kim?" she ask.

"Yes?" He replied more on quetion.
"Is Mr. Jeon inside?" He ask and the secretary nod and guide him until the door. He mouthed a thank you before knocking. He heard a come in and slowly open the door,peeking slightly and he smiles seeing his husband so engrossed to his laptop not even looking at his direction.

He walks closer without saying anything, and Jungkook not even raised his head to look at him. His eyes if fix at the screen while his fingers are busy typing. Taehyung observed him and saw how tired he is just seeing those lines in his husbands forehead.

He puts the food he was holding at the table and walk towards the busy ceo, until he stand behind him and gently massage the others forehead. Jungkook was surprised not realising what happen and quickly look up, he smiles upon seeing Taehyung.

"Im sorry baby, im too busy that i didnt notice you." He said with a tired voice. Taehyung kiss him on his head and continue massaging him, feeling his body relax from his husband touch. He then saw the food that was on the table.

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