Chapter 38: I remember him

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"i love you, Mr. Jeon Jungkook."


Jungkook shook his head for a few times. His shaking hands flip the brown envelop and a piece of paper fell with some small pieces of pictures that was tore. He gathered all the pieces and tried to glued it, his eyes became big upon seeing who it is...he look at the piece of paper and pick it.

Mr. Jeon

I hope you are doing fine. I am writing this now to bid you a love filled yet sad goodbye as i finally come to realised that we are not meant to be with each other.

Living with you and seeing you everyday had become a part of my life, and now as im letting you go for real, my heart is filled with so much sadness and pain.

I knoe, i have never trully told you how much i have love you. Ever since you have come into my life, you made it beautiful and change me for good.

But i guess, this is the end of us. What ever agreement i have signed, im sorry but i dont agree to it. I saw the contract in your office but it was tore in some pieces, i tried to fix it and i realised i signed it without me reading. But the time i read it, i realised its not worth it.

I guess i found the original agreement that should be the one i signed before. It pains me to think giving you my baby but i guess, i really do need to.

I guess this is long enough so just wait that one day, i will give you your future heir when i give birth. Just please promise me, you will love him and protect him. I will not ask anything more, just love him.

Kim Taehyung

Jungkook eyes was filled with tears after reading it. He open widely the envelope to look tt the agreements that Taehyung was talking but he found nothing.

He stand up and open the drawers besides his bed, but found nothing. He pulled his hair harshly then slam the drawer not realising that someone there is asleep but due to the noise he created, Lisa woke up.

Rubbing her eyes, Lisa look at Jungkook who seems troubled.
"Babe, its still early, why are awake?" Lisa said, moving closer to him.

Jungkook stare at him emotionless, clenching his jaw. Lisa gulp when he saw what was Jungkook holding.


"Get out!" Jungkook gravelly said.

"Baby..what are you saying?" Lisa ask,now standing and tried to cup Jungkook's face.

Jungkook swayed her hands harshly.
"Get your fucking self out! How dare you play with me,huh?! Get out!!" Jungkook shouted angrilly, veins are visible from his neck. Lisa tried to say something but Jungkook harshly drag her out from his room.

"Jungkook, your hurting me!" she yelled, tried to released her hands from the tight grip of Jungkook but the other continiously drag her down the stair until outside the mansion.

"Dont fucking show me your damn face again,Lisa!" He gravelly said again that the housemaids are now awake due to the loud voice thy heard. Lisa was about to talk but Jungkook slammed the door right infront of her face.

"Damn you Jeon fucking Jungkook! I swear you will never get back Taehyung again!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Lisa shivered feeling the cold breeze, he look around and she thoughtaybe its just 2 in the morning this time. She embrace her self walking away from the mansion,wearing just her sleeping dress.

Jungkook then strode to his room and throws everything that catches his eyes.

"Jeon fucking Jungkook!!!!" He shouted with venom in his voice, cursing his own self, destroying everything in his room. The maids panic hearing his early outrage, so Mina decided to call Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Argh!! Who the fuck you are to disturb my---

"Sir, master Jeon---

Then Yoongi heard a loud sound at the other line, realising its Jungkook,he cuts the call and quickly call Hoseok.

"Yah, its too early to call--

"To the mansion now!" And he pick his car keys and drive to Jungkooks mansion fast. When Mina heard the sounf of car, he quickly open the door and saw Yoongi who strode at his brothers room. Mina blinks her eyes, seeing the other arrive with only his boxer. About to close the door when another car arrived and again, he blinks her eyes and at this point, she didnt care anymore, she laugh seeing Hoseok with mask still plastered in his face, with just a short and barefoot. Hoseok stop infront of a laughing Mina, and raised his eyebrows then he realised theres something in his face.

"Oh crapt!" He said removing the mask then just wink to Mina before running upstair.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Yoongi ask calmly,, slowly walking to his brother who plop at the floor.

"I've messed up hyung, i dont deserve him,hyung..." Jungkook pull his knees towards his chest,hugging his self. Yoongi sits infront of him,with crossed legs. Stroking his brothers hair. He saw the paper that was in Jungkook hands. Realisation hit him...

"Do you remember everything now?" He ask softly and Jungkook nod.

"Thanks god that you remember already." Hoseok blurted walking to them. Still not realising what they are wearing coz they both are focus to their dongsaeng.

Jungkook remembers something and look at them.
"He talk about the agreents but i found nothing here,hyung." He ask showing them the empty envelop.

"Forget about that stupid contract, just focus on how you get his trust again. You hurt him so much,Kook." Yoongi seriously said.

"But about that contract. I want to get rid of that." Jungkook said with his still teary eyes.

"I got rid of that bulshit contract already, we saw that the day he went missing. I burned it and about the second contract, that was signed by him, is it registered?" Yoongi stated.

"Yes hyung, the day after he signed it i process it already." Jungkook replied, took a deep breath and was about to say something when he notice the two person inside his room.

The two stared at him when he suddenly laugh, holding his stomach...laughing out loud.

"He's gone crazy,Yoongs." Hoseok whispered to the other who is glaring at the younger.

"Hyung, what the fuck both of you are wearing?" Jungkook said between his laugh, and the other look at their self.

"Ufff! See how worriedly we are because of you,we even didnt realised this?" Yoongi satnds up and open Jungkook's wardrobe and pick something to wear.

"oh gof, i cant imaginr i drive here with just my boxer.." he added then chuckle.

After a while,and seems evwrything is fine, Jungkook look at the time and its already five in the morning.

"Its better you prepare yourself, this is special day." Hoseok said, before going out the messy room. Jungkook heard him asking the maid to clean the room. Yoongi saw Jungkook questuoning face looking at him.

"What?! Did you also forgot that today is Taehyung's birthday?" he said and Jungkook quickly go to his bathroom and took shower. Yoongi smiling shook his head and followed Hoseok outside.


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