Chapter 40: Are we okay,now?

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December 30 2020

7:00 pm

Jin's Pov:

I specially arrange this party for my baby, so i told our customers that we are close for tonight.

I want Taehyung to be happy, i want him to be that little Taehyung who always carry a smile in her face, that bubbly baby bear that even suffers a lot still managr to make everyone happy. I miss that Bear so badly.

Namjoon along with Yoonmin couple and Hoseok, we decided also to help Jungkook bring him to his life. I know, only Jungkook can bring the old baby bear to us.

"Im nervous hyung, what if he dont come?" Jungkook nervously ask me.

I patted his shoulder and slightly squeeze it,
"He will...he called earlier, he wants to talk to me for something so i told him to comr tonight." I reply calmly.

"Hyung, what if he comr and saw the restaurant closed sign and leave?" Jungkook ask again, shaking his knees,showing how nervous he is. I decided to turn off all the lights inside my resraurant this time, so if he enters we can surprise him. And what Jungkook said made me think he is right so i took my phone and was about to dial his numbet but he was calling already.

"Hyung,what happen? Im outdide but the restaurant is closed?"

"Ah, im inside my office baby bear just come, im just doing something so just open the door and come" i lied, Jungkook was right. He was looking at me while the others are silently waiting for him. And just a moment...


Happy birthday Tae!!!

We said in chorus and we i saw how he was surprised and teared.

"Oh my gosh, hyung...i..thank you..." he says and i run to him hugging him but careful not to bump hardly to his tummy.

"Happy birthday soulmate!" Jimin excitedly shouted and hug him to when i move aside.

"Happy birthday baby" Namjoon greeted, ruffling his hair. Hoseok and Yoongi happily greeted him and a quick hug from them too. Im waiting for Jungkook to show up infront of Taehyung but when i tilt my head to his direction, i saw him just staring at the doors direction.

"Mister pretty, who are they?" Just then we notice that he is with someone, a young girl and a handsome guy.

"Ah, im sorry little angel, they are my friends, this is my cousin Jin hyung and his husband, my bestfriend Jimin and his boyfriend, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung, brother of Yoongi. And this is So Yun and his father, Troy. They are the one who help me know what i mean hyung." He explained and we all look at Jungkook, i saw how hurt he is, and looking at his face i saw he clench his jaw and bowled his fist.

"Nice to meet you all" the man who's name is Troy suddenly said. I smile at him,

"Im sorry i almost forgot,please feel at home. And lets start to eat, foods are ready."

"Make a wish and blow the cake first Tae." Jimin said.

"Jungkook, bring the cake to Tae" Namjoon said and when i look at Tae, he suddenly feel like uncomfortable.

Jungkook's Pov:

Im so nervous that i cant keep still. Im thinking what to do and tell when he comes. I really dont know, my mind seems not cooperating with me right now. My heart keeps beating abnormally, like it feels it want to jump from my chest.

Im excitedly to see him, hold him, hug him tight and kiss him...but at the same time...will he allow me to do all this things again even after hurting so bad?

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