Chapter 39: Im Sorry

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Taehyung woke up early due to the non stop movement of his baby bump. He caress his tummy and smile.
"Goodmorning my little angel, is that how you greet your dada a happy birthday,huh?" he said. He stretch his arms and slowly get up from his bed.

He walk to his bathroom and did his morning routines, then changr to a comfortable cloths. He then go to his small kitchen and make a breakfast for himself, his favorite pancake with strawberry and honey on top.

After eating, and washing the plate, he sits in the living room, taking his phone and call his eomma.

"Goodmorning eomma Jin" he said in a happy tone.

"Goodmorning my Taebear." Jin greeted back. He knows its Taehyung birthday but he pretenfs to forget it, they want to surprise him.

"Hyung, can i talk to you?" Suddenly Taehyung voice become a serious.

"Of course, come here at the restaurant tonight,okay?" Taehyung said yes and cut the call. He sigh and leaned his back to the couch when someone knock his door. He look at the time and frowned,thinking who will come this early to his apartment. He opened the door and gasp when he saw So Yun and Troy.

"Happy birthday mister pretty" So Yun giggled and hug him.Taehyung was touch and happy to see the people who help and treat him as their family. He kissed So Yun's head and thanks her.

"Happy birthday,Tae." Troy said then handee him a buquet of red roses. Taehyung smiled and let ask them to come inside.

"How did you its my birthday?" Taehyung ask while putting the flowers to an empty vase and put some water and put it at the center table at the living room.

"You told me before mister pretty when you ask me about my birthday, and yesterday i told daddy about it and i ask him to visit you,so here we are." The young girl explained with a sweet smile. Taehyung formed a 'o' and Troy fondly smile at him.

"So,lets celebrate?" Troy said in a more question. Taehyung didn't want to celebrate his birthday to be honest,but So Yun insist that they should go eat outside, and Taehyung doesn't want the young girl to feel disappointed so he just join them.

Taehyung just change his cloths and Troy was mesmerized seeing the beautiful pregnant boy infront of them. So Yun strring at his father with a teasing smile and Taehyung feel awkward from Troy's gaze to him, he fake a cough and Troy blink his eyes.

"Im sorry, its just...your beautiful." He said and Taehyung face blush. Looking away, Troy felt the awkwardness between them so he suggest that they should go now. So Yun squiled happily and run towards the car, letting the two olders walk behind her. Troy opens the door and help the brunette to get inside the car.

"Thank you." Tae said. Troy drive and bring them to a famous restaurant.

"Reservation by Mr. Kaden,please." Troy said and the waiter guide them.

"When did you do the reservation?" Tae ask in a small voice.

"Yesterday."the other shortly reply then pull a chair and let him sit first before pulling another for him across the table.

The waiter came and take their order.

"Mister pretty, i miss you so much. When will you visit us again?" So Yun pouted, leaning her elbows on the table. Taehyung stroke her back and smiled, telling her he will soon.

After waiting for almost twenty minutes, the wiater came with their foods and they start eating happily like they are a small family. Troy keeps on glancing at Taehyung, he cant keep his eyes from him. He admire how simple yet ethereal the boy infront of them, and Taehyung can feel the eyes and feel uncomfortable but he just ignored it.

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