Chapter 34: Who is Taehyung?

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Jimin's Pov:

When they transferred Jungkook at the vip room, i told my boyfriend, Yoongi that i'll go at tge nearby restaurant to bring foods for us.

Upon reaching main door, i moved aside, i saw some medics are in rush pushing a stretcher (sorry but i dont know what you call that kind of bed), with someone pregnant. Passing at me, i was about ro walk away when i feel i saw someone familiar.

"Tae...Taehyung?" i said to no one. I followed my gaze to them and about to run after them when i saw Yoongi came down.

"I thought you will go to the restaurant?" he ask.

"Taehyung..." i whisper again.

"What? Baby are you okay?" Yoongi ask me worriedly. I look at him and shrug my shoulder.

"I saw Tae...Yoongs...he's here" i replied. Yoongi frowend and hold my hand.

"Baby, i know you miss him, we miss him too. But how the hell he is here? Maybe its just your illusion. Come on, i'll come with you at the restaurant." Yoongi said.

"Okay, maybe your right..." i said but im not convince with my own words. He really looks like Taehyung, but Yoongi is right, maybe...just maybe im imagining things coz i really miss my bestfriend.

We reach the restaurant and buy enough foods for us. Then we went back at the room where Hoseok, and the Namjin couple is.

I saw Jin sitting at the side of the bed, holding Jungkook's hand, gently caressing it.

"I will at the office, i will come back tomorrow." Hoseok hyung said after eating a little portion of his food. He walk to Jungkook and peck his forehead before leaving the room.

Then after an hour, Namjin told us that they need to go at their restaurant too. Yoongi just hum sitting at the couch. I sit beside him and lean my head to his shoulder.

I heard him sigh but both of us not dare to speak.

"I wish Taehyung is here..." i whisper and i felt that Yoongi clench his jaw. I move my head away from his shoulder and look at him.

"Why? Are you in case blaming Taehyung to what happened to Jungkook?" i said with a low voice. Yoongi stare at me in disbelief.

"Why do you think that?" he wonder.

"I just sorry." He pulled me closer to him and kissed my head,

"If there is someone to blame, its Lisa. That bitch!" he growles a little.



"Is Jungkook still searching for Tae? Its been three months and there's no trace where he is." I ask fidgeting my finger. Yoongi just replied me a sigh.

Taehyung woke up several hour after arriving at the hospital. He look around and sawa woman facung her back to him. He fake a cough and the woman that he now recognised as the cashier lady walk closer to him.

"Are you okay? I will call the doctor..." she said then go out not waiting for me to talk. I stand slowly and walk near the window, i slammed my hands to my mouth when i realised im at seoul hospital,same hospital where Jungkook is.

"You're awake. Are you okay?" I turned around and saw the lady with the doctor.

"How are you feeling? You should not stresd your self,its not good to you baby." the doctor says gesturung Taehyung to sit at the bed. Taehyung caress his tummy and smile when he feels gis baby kick.

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