Chapter 42: He is my Husband!

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"Mr. Jeon Kim Taehyung?"


"I will explain everything,baby. Just please dont be mad, okay?" Jungkook nervously said.

"Dont play with me,Jeon. Dont make me regret coming back to you again." He threatens the other, but deeo inside his heart, he loves it hearing others saying or calling gim Mr. Jeon Taehyung. But its not the time to be hapoy, he needs Jungkook explains everything.

"Baby, can we talk it in private? I'll pick you tonight." Taehyung raised eyebrows but seeing how sincere Jungkook is, he sigh and say okay with pouting lips.

Jungkook didnt realised that he took longer time talking to Taehyung but he didnt regret it. He actually feels lucky that he decides to eat his lunch. His phone suddenly rings and frowned when his secretary called him.

"Ok, just tell me where and i'll meet him." He said coldly. He ended the call and fondly smile at Taehyung,
"I need to go baby, i have a meeting." He said and leans closer to kissed his lips. Taehyung eyes widened but soon their lips moves in sinc, Jungkook breaks first that the young brunette whined and already misses the others soft lips.

"Im sorry baby, as long as i want to kiss you longer and take you but i cant, i'll pick you at 7,okay." Another peck to his forehead then to his nose tip and lastly to his lios again before kissing Taehyung's tummy and leaves.

"Take care,Kookie. I love you." Taehyung bravely shouted and Jungkook who was already near at the door,stop and turned around,running fast to him and hug him.

"Yah! Your hurting our baby." Taehyung said and Jungkook chuckles.

"Oh, i hate leaving you alone now. I should call my secretary and let her cancel my meeting." Jungkook said and about to call when Taehyung push him.

"If you cancel it, i will leave you." He said like an angry puppy. Jungkook quickly out his phone to his pocket and hug him again.

"Sorry baby, okay i will go now. Take care of yourself okay." Taehyung hum and finally Jungkook leaves the resraurant. He picks the plate and put it on the tray, walking back to the kitchen when someone bump him.

"What the fuck?! Are you blind? Look what you did? You ruined my expensive dress! Do you have enough money to pay for it?!" A woman angrilly shout at him.

"Im sorry, im really sorry." Taehyung apologised but the other keeps on talking harshly to him, that other customers pitied the pregnant boy who seems totally embarrased at the womans words.

"Such a disgusting!" The woman said and push Taehyung who stumble back a little but good thing that someone catch him,if not he fell from the floor.

"You! Dont you think your dirty big mouth talks to much?!" Taehyung tilt his head just to see Jin right behind him who catch him from falling.

"Who the hell are you?!" The woman talks back. Jin knitted his brows and to tell that he already want to drag this bitch outside his restaurant but chooses to not doing it. He smiles mischivously and move closer to the other, pointing her in his forehead,

"Me? Oh im just nothing, but do you ever know who this boy you just insulted?"

The woman raises his eyebrows and laugh like crazy gaining the others attention.

"Who cares who is he? Look at him, he is...just..." he examined Taehyung from head to toe and gives a look of disgust,
"just someone wearing a cheap brand cloths. My god, he should not be in this high class restaurant!" the woman continued. Taehyung really feel so small right at this moment. Little did they know that Jungkook came back to the restaurant, and witness everything, he clench his jaw hearing the woman who insulted his husband.

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