Chapter 26: Im Pregnant

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Taehyung woke up at the hospital. Even when he feels weak, he tries to get up.

"Mr. Kim, how are you feeling?" said the nurse when she saw him sitting.

"What happen? Why am I here?" he asked consecutively.

"You lost consciousness and it's good that Mr. Park brought you here." the nurse replied.

"Park? " He asked frowning.

"Yes and---

"oh hi. It's good that you're awake. How--

"Mr. Park Bogum?" He said and then he suddenly remembered Jungkook's story. He tried to dig into his heart whether he should be angry with it or not. But he also realized that he had done nothing wrong with it. He smiled and then thanked and Bogum smiled.

"Mr. Kim, you should always be careful because you are still in the stage of delicate pregnancy." Said the nurse while adjusting the syringe attached to his hand.

"Pregnant?" Taehyung said in surprise, touching his belly. The nurse and Bogum looked at him, "Yes Mr. Kim, you are 2 weeks pregnant. Your pregnancy is in a delicate stage, so you always have to be careful." The nurse reminded him then he bid goodbye.

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as he caressed his belly.

"Congratulations Mr. Kim. Jungkook is lucky and will have a baby." Bogum said, with a geniune smile.

"Just call me Taehyung, Bogumie-hyung." He said smiling. A few minutes later Taehyung's phone rang. He looked at it and then looked at Bogum. The young man signaled to come out first. When he came out, Taehyung took a deep breath before speaking.
"I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, I just took care of something for a while but I'll be back in the office." He lied, but feeling guilty about it. He didn't even wait for the person on the other line to speak when he cut the line. He adjusted himself before removing the syringe in his hand.

"Taehyung, you should be still resting." Bogum said when he saw Taehyung outside the door.

"Im fibe, and i really need to be in the office now." Taehyung replied and continue to walk. Bogum told him that he will drop the brunette and the other didn't reject it. Because he wanted to return to the office immediately, he agreed but was told to drop him in front of the restaurant and stripped to the office building itself.

Time skip:

He knock the door and he heard a faint sound telling him to come in.

"Tae baby, are you okay? You look pale." Jungkook said upon seeing his boyfriend.

"Yes, im just a little bit tired but im okay. Here's your lunch. Eat it while its hot." Taehyung replied then prepared the food at the table. Jungkook observe his every moves. He knows something is bothering Taehyung, but he dont want to force the other to tell him. He wants Taehyung to open up with him.

"Eat it up,Kookie." Taehyung said, knowing that the young ceo is looking at him. Jungkook obeys him and after eating he walk towards Taehyung and stand at his back, hugging him.

Taehyung close his eyes upon feeling the warm touch of his boyfriend.

"I know, somethingbis bothering you,baby. Im not forcing you to open up now, i'll wait for you if you're ready to tell me." Jungkook whisper and kiss the top of Taehyung's head.

Taehyung holds Jungkook hands that was hugging him, caressing gently.
"Im sorry Kookie" he said to his back of his head. They stayed like that for god knows how long but no one is complaining.

"Lets go,baby." Jungkook suddenly said. Taehyung hum and fix his things before standing. Jungkook took his coat and both of them holds each others hands coming out from the office.

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