Chapter 36: Letting you go, for real

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Nextmorning, Taehyung prepared another food for Jungkook. He prepared his favorite spicy dishes. He make a fresh orange juice and put it in a tumbler. He then put all in a small basket.

One glance to his self at the mirror and he walk outside his apartment. While waiting for the cab to arrive, he keep on looking around his surrounding. He felt something weird, as if someone is observing hum. He unconsciously caresd his now five months tummy. He smile sweetly upon feelng the movement of his unborn baby. Not long enough, he enters thr cab thay he contracted to drop him at the hospital.

Jungkook at the other hand, smiling when he saw Lisa enters his room. To tell that Lisa smile's reaches her ears.

"Oh i miss you babe. I heard the ews before but i cant come that day, im in France. Im sorry babe." Lisa said. Before coming to Jungkook, she talks to the doctor and she knows from the other about Jungkook having an amnesia. Forgetting his beloved Taehyung,replacing his memory with her, she then cime up with an idea to tale this oppourtunity to stay with Jungkook and make all posible to bring him back to her life.

"Its okay babe, i really miss you." Jungkook extended his arms to hug Lisa and the other obviously loving it.

"Did you eat already babe?" Lisa ask, stroking the back of Jungkook. Jungkook bod his heaf and Lisa look at him pouting.

"Im waiting for the maid to bring my food, you know that i really hates hospital foods." Jungkook says then ask Lisa to help him sit properly.

"Oh yeah, i know that babe." She replied, while gently holding the others hand to let him sit at the couch.

They were busy talking and Lisa has having all his time to take this opportunity. They were interupted when someone knock the door.

"Maybe thats the maid already." Jungkook said. Lisa stood up and walk to open the door.

"Why did y--" both eyes widened seeing each othet, Taehyung almost drop the basket in shock seeing Lisa. Nobody dares to talk between them.

"Babe, what are you doing there?" Taehyung snap upon hearing Jungkook voice,  his heart tigthens realising what was happening.

"Im coming babe, your food is here." Lisa replied a little loud without removing her intense glare at Taehyung.

"Let that maid come and prepare my food." Jungkook said not knowing that his hurting the others feeling.

"Move fast and dont dare say anything then leave us you filty whore!" Lisa whispered yelled to Taehyung. The brunette just nod his head, enters the room looking down.

While preparing the food at the table infront of where Jungkook and Lisa sitting, Taehyung keeps his head low not wanting to see the scene infront of him.

"Babe, is your foot okay?" Lisa ask when she saw Jungkook touching it.

"A little bit okay." He replied.

"Babe did you remember your promise to me when we met in France?" Taehyung suddenly slow his movement in putting the plates, wanting to hear about it even though his heart is now totally shuttered in a million pieces. Jungkook notice the brunettes hands shaking. He frowend thinking why. Lisa fake a cough to gain his so called boyfriend attention when he notice how he stare at Taehyung.

"Hm.. what is that?" Jungkook ask tilting his head to the other.

Lisa smirk in her self after thinking this oppurtunity, with his mischievous smile staring at Taehyung,
"You promise that you will marry me next month and---what the fuck! damn bitch!"

"im so sorry...i didn't---


That moment, Yoongi and Jimin enters the room without knowing by the others, and Yoongi's voice boomed inside the room.

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