Chapter 43: Marriage Contract

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After eating their dinner, Taehyung lazily laid his body to their bed. Jungkook open's the drawer and took the brown envelope then sits beside the sleepy pregnant Tae.

He pulled him closer but gently and let the other lean his head to his chest.

"Kookie?" Jungkook hum and Tae notice the envelope he is holding.

"Yeah, when i arrive from France, i didn't saw this. I just saw this the day before your birthday, and thats the time i remembered you,baby. Im sorry it took a quit long that i remember you." He sad feeling guilty about it.

"Its not your fault, and please...stop saying sorry,Kookie. Please." Tae replied running his slender finger to the shirtless Jungkook. Then Jungkook took something inside the envelop, he help Taehyung sit and let him lean to the bed board. Taehyung frown not knowing what the other doing, then Jungkook sit in between his leg.

"I want to give this back  to you,baby." He said, holding Tae's finger and put the ring. Taehyung suddenly teared up seeing tge ring in his fingers again.
"I promise not to hurt you again,baby." H e added wiping tge others tears. Taehyung raised his hand at the air and smiles before hugging him tightly.

"I love you Kookie." He whispered.

"I love you more,baby. And i love you too, little tiger." He said leaning to kiss Tae's tummy which the other feels tickled.

Suddenly, Taehyung remembers something,
"Wait...still you didn't say anything about being me a Jeon?" he slightly push Jungkook. He saw Jungkook move away and walk towards the wardrobe and took something in a small compartment. Walking back to Taehyung who was still staring at him, he sit beside him and put another envelope to Taehyung's hand.

"Open it,baby." He said, putting his left arm to the others back. Taehyung look at him confuse but still opens it. His right hand quickly covering his mouth with wide eyes,

"This...this...but...." he cant form a word to say.

"The one you singned before is an agreement that you are a Jeon Taehyung, baby. To make it short, that very day you signed it we are already married." He expalined shortly. Taehyung couldn't believe his ears. From that day, he is a fucking Jeon?! He slightly shook his head and blink his eyes,still not believing anything. Jungkook notice him and he suddenly panic seeing him silently crying.


"You mean..i mean..." He stutter, yet there are so many things he wants to say at this moments but his mind cant figure it out, his tongue was like stock in his throat.

" Relax please. Breath for me and for our little tiger,please." Running his hand up and down to his back letting him calm down. Feeling his husband gentle touch, he calms down.

"I love you baby,so so much." Kissing him in his head. They were in that position for almost ten minutes when Jungkook heard a soft snore, he smiles realising that his husband was already asleep. He gently lay him down and took the envelope,put it on the side table, laying beside him. He stare at Taehyung's beautiful face, and smile seeing a little pouting lips. He peck his lips before wrapping his arm to the others waist.

Until finally both of them were peacefull drown to their sleep.

Taehyung feels something heavy on his tummy, he rub his eyes and smile seeing a sleeping bunny beside him. He wondered how lucky he is having Jungkook to his life. He stared how peaceful his husband sleeping is. He then slowly gets up and walk to silently towards thier bathroom. He took shower and dried himself. He then chose one of Jungkook's shirt and put it on. Wearing just a short under that loose shirt which reaches his mid thigh, he once more take a look at still sleeping Jungkook before going to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Taehyungie" Mina greeted with a smile seeing him again.

"Goodmorning" he replied then help her making breakfast. Mina doesn't say a word, he knows that Taehyung loves preparing Jungkook breakfast.

Jungkook woke up alone in their bed, he frowned not seeing his husband beside him. He yawned and stretch his arms before getting up and decides to have a quick shower.

After taking shower, just then the door opens and he smiles widely seeing his husband entered.

"Goodmorning husband and goodmorning my little tiger." Taehyung blushes hearing the other callng him husband. Jungkook chukles and kiss him to his lips.

"Yah! Your making me blush,kookie." He said hitting his chest. Jungkook chuckles again and coo on how cute his husband is.

"Stay here." Tae said and walk towards the wardrobe, Jungkook just follow his gaze to his back and smiles seeing Taehyung wearing his shirt. Taehyung raised his eyebrows when he saw the other staring at him with a smirk.

"Pervert!" he said walking closer to him, holding a suit.

"But you love this pervert,right?" Jungkook teased him.

"Stop staring, you will be late." He glared cutely,helping Jungkook fix his suit and tie.

"Oh, im gonna get use to this." He winked and smirk again. He then received anothet hit from Taehyung.

They walk with their hands interwined towards the kitchen and eat their breakfast.

"Did you woke up early to make this,baby?" jungkook ask munching his food. Taehyung hum, fondly watching the other eats. After eating, Taehyung walk him outside until they reach where the car of Jungkook is.

"I'll be late tonight baby. I have important meeting so no need to waat for me,okay?" Jungkook said and kiss him.

"Drive safe,Kookie." he said before the other enters his car and drive away. He sigh before walking back inside, he sits on the sofa and tried to entertain his self by watching tv. He feels bored after a two hours of watching so he decided to change his cloths and went to Jin's restaurant.

"What are you doing here?" Jin ask upon seeing the other enter.

"Ouch dont want to see me?" Taehyung dramatically touch his chest and pout. Jin chuckles and hug him,

"Oh baby...i miss you so much." He said then Tae giggles.

"Kookie has a meeting so i feel bored thats why i came here hyung." Taehyung explained sitting at the chair that Jin pulled for him. Jin ask about them and Taehyung tells everything to him.

"Im so happy for you Tae." He said, caressing his cousins hand.

For Jungkook, he told that he will be having a meeting but thruth is he wants to surprise his husband. He wants everything to be perfect. He told his secretary to ask Jimin come in his office and just waiting for five minutes Jimin came.

"Yes Mr. Jeon?" he said upon entering the office.

"Oh come one Jimin, just call me Jungkook." He said smiling. Jimin smiled seeng how relax the young ceo is. He really change a lot in just a span of time,anf thats because of his bestfriend. Jungkook notice him and fake a cough.

"Im sorry, im just really overwhelmed that everything is totally fine to both of you." He said.

"I know Jimin, you know about him being Jeon. Yeah, practically we are married but i want to marry him infront of everybody, i want them to know that he is mine. So i want you to help me organised everything, and of course hyungs knows this too."he explianed with excitement. Jimin was so happy hearing about it, finally his friend will get married. He clap his both hands.

"Im happy to help Jungkook." He said.

"But dont tell him, i want to surprised him. We will all talk about it tomorrow with the hyungs here." He said again and the other nod.

After discusiing some things, Jungkook told him to go. He really needs to do prepare everything and make it perfect. He feels hi heart wants to jumo from his chest due to over excitement,marrying the love of his life infrobt of everyone.

Finally...Jeon Kim Taehyung....


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