Chapter 4: Reality

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I went to the cafe where the Kim's couple owned.

As i enter, Namjoon hyung wave his hands at me and suggest me to follow him. We sit at a table near the window.

"What you want to drink?" He ask me calling his one waiter.

"Just water,hyung." I said.

"Bring us water only,please." He asaid to the waiter before he leaves us.

"Wheres Jin hyung?" I ask roaming my eyes around trying to search for him.

"He will co-

"Oh hey..." Jin hyung greeted us. I smile and he sit beside his husband.
"So,what brings you here Mr. CEO?" He ask with a smirk.

"Hyung...." i whined and pout. They laugh at me seeing my childish act.

"Im just joking kook..." jin chuckled.

" you have anything to say?" He added. I was going to talk when the waiter come and put our water then bow before leaving us.

"Ask him about it..." Namjoon stated.

Jin look at him then look at me,raising his right eyebrow.

"Ask what?"

"About Kim Taehyung,hyung." I said.

He almost choke with the water he's drinking, Namjoon rub his back up and down to calm.

I look at him and i saw a sadness in his eyes. Theres a silence between us,i open my mouth to talk but then close it again. I dont know what should i say,and i just decide to keep quite and wait for Jin to talk.

He look at me and sigh.

"He's my cousin...." he stated. "But its been how many years that i didn't saw him and his little brother since their parents died. I dont know if how are they,and where they are now." He said with a teary eye. Namjoon holding his hands while the other hand continue to rub his back.

I furrowed my eyebrows,thinking he really dont know anything about them. And even don't know that his cousin is here in seoul.

"Im really close to Tae,he is my little baby and babybear. I just hope that they are in a good shape and how i wish to meet him again with his little brother." He continued.

"Im sorry hyung..." thats the only words that left my mouth. I hung my head feeling guilty.

"Sorry? For what kook?" Jin ask with a confused look.

I told them what happen and im really expecting them to burst in anger at me. But Jin hyung cup my face with his hands and smile.

"No..dont feel guilty Kook. Maybe God has a purpose why this happen." He said and wipe the tear in my eyes. He sit back again leaning his head to his husbands shoulder.

"But where is he now?"

" I really dont know hyung,he left the hospital yesterday. I called the hospital this morning and they told me that he didn't come. Dont worry hyung,i will prepare everything about the burial of Jake. By this small act,i wish to lessen the guilt that was in my heart." I sadly stated.

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