Chapter 30: Jeon Taehyung

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The mansion was in a chaos searching for Taehyung. Yoongi and Jimin followed by Hoseok arrived at the mansion. They all ask the maids about the poor boy but no one saw him.

"Damn it! Where did he go?" Yoongi blurted, flopping his ass at the couch beside his boyfriend who was a sobbing mess now.

"Mina, can you bring me the master's bedroom key?" Hoseok shouted, when he notice the room of the couple that was lock. Mina run and came back to Hoseok with the key.

Upon entering the room, his eyes notice the scattered pieces of something in the ground, he then walk towards and kneeling his right leg, he pick up the pieces of paper that now he recognise as a picture of Taehyung. He stood up and saw the frame on the table with the ring and a piece of paper.

"Yoongi!" He shouted, and a fast footsteps running upstairs to where he is.

Yoongi and Jimin look at Hoseok with a confuse face, then they follow where the eyes of Hoseok is.

"He...he up." Jimin says between his sobs. Yoongi hug his boyfriend.

"What is this?" Hoseok says when he notice a brown envelope under the pillow that was peeking. He pulled it and open. His eyes widen when he saw a two kinds of agreement. The first one is signed and the other one was torn into half.

Yoongi examined the paper and he notice the signed agreement. But he furrowed his brows when he notice that the signed one is not the one Jungkook shows them before.

"This the fitst contract, but why its been signed? This is not the one Jungkook shows us." Yoongi says confuse on why and how.
"This the second agreement that Taehyung signed, but how come its here and its like this and why its only half? Wheres the end part with the signature of Taehyung?." Yoongi added,flipping the paper, searching for the other part.

Jimin stared at the content of the contract and he gasp when he saw the name Jeon Taehyung at the upper right side. He look at Yoongi then Hoseok with a questioning face.

"Care to explain this? Im sure Taehyung knows this before he will not agree to signed it." Jimin says.

Yoongi and Hoseok explained everything to Jimin and the other now dont know what he should feel.

"We need to wait for Jungkook and give him all this. He will arrive tomorrow night." Hoseok stated then they went outside the room, sits on the sofa without saying anything.

Jungkook arrives exactly seven in the evening at the airport. Yugyeom was already there waiting for him.

"Good evening Mr. Jeon." Yugyeom says but the other ignore him.

Jungkook was restless at the back sit, his mind is a mess now. He close his eyes and lean his back. Yugyeom glance at the young ceo from the front mirror.

Jungkook felt the gaze from his driver,
"Drive fast!" He says that startle the other and almost bump the car to the one infront of the.
"What the fuck, Yugyeom! If you cant do your job,quit!" He blurted.

"Im sorry Mr. Jeon." The poor driver says, and focus to what he was doing. Jungkook rub his face then pinch his nose in annoyance.

They arrive at the mansion and Yugyeom apologised again but got ignored. He breath in peace when the other finally disappeare infront of him.

He saw Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok upon he enters. The three look at him when he just pass by them, going straight to his room.

He slammed the door that causing Jimin to almost jump from his sit.

"The hell was that?!" He says in a little bit loud.

"Im worried where is Taehyung now, did you call Jin?" Hoseok says, looking at Yoongi. The other nod and all of them look at each other as if why the hell didn't realised to ask the Kim couple about Taehyung.

Yoongi took his phone to call but stop when he heard Jimin.

"Hyung, is Taehyung there with you?" Jimin ask.

"Ah okay hyung, can you please check his room and tell him i called. Thanks hyung." He added when the other told him thatbhe will check it.

In just a minute, Jin called.

"What?!" Jimin says in shock.

"What happen,baby?" He heard Yoongi but ignored it.

"Hyung are you sure? Damn it!" Jimin cursed at no one.

Jungkook look around their room with a gloomy eyes. He knows that Taehyung is gone but he still search his room. He opened the cabinet where he just found all the things that he buy'd for Taehyung.

His eyes become blurry due to his tears, he picks the hoodie that Taehyung used to wear and brings it to his embrace. He close his eyes and finally, release those tears.

A knock from the door was heard but he ignored it. He dont need anyone right now, all he wants was his baby. He walks to his bed still hugging the hoodie, he lay down and curled under the soft covet.

"Hows he?" Jin ask when they arrive at the Jungkook's mansion.

Yoongi just got down from checking Jungkook but failed coz the other just lock himself. He look at Jin and Namjoon then shrug his shoulders.

"I saw this when i go to his room." Jin handed a piece of paper to Yoongi. But Jimin took it and open to read it.

Jin hyung,

Im sorry for bursting my anger to you and Namjoon hyung this morning. Its just that i couldn't take it anymore. I know i should not expect anything from him, but this stupid heart of mine cant control my feelings to him.

Hyung, i swear...i really do love him but i guess im not really the one for him.

It all started because of that agreement, but i never expect to fall in love to him.

Dont worry to much for me, im used to all kinds of this already. I promise to take a good care to my self and to my baby.

Thank you for everything hyung.


Jimin cried to his boyfriends chest after reading it. They all became silent nit knowing what to say. Its past 12 midnight when Namjin told them they will go.

Just when they reach door, they were all stunned when they heard a loud tud upstair. They run fast towards Jungkook room and they knock him but again, a sound of broken things was heard.

"Damn it Jeon! Open this goddam door!" Yoongi yelled.

Another sound of crashing was heard and Hoseok panic searching for the damn keys. Mina run towards them and handed the keys that Hoseok grab it quickly and opened the door.

The scene infront of them broke their hearts. Jungkook was a total mess, the whole room was a mess. Jin run towards Jungkook who was standing with his hands bleeding.

"Kook, its okay. We will find him. Dont worry." Jin says,comforting the younger. He hug Jungkook and runs his hands to his back and thats the moment Jungkook cries to Jin's shoulder.

"Hyung, i cant live without him. I need him. I need them." Jungkook said between his sobs. Jin shh him still rubbing the youngers back.

Jimin cant say anything, his body becomes week that Yoongi guided him to sit at the couch at the living room.

Hoseok ask the maid to clean the room but when he saw the time he told them to just go and take a rest. The night past by without leaving Jungkook's side.


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