Chapter 23: Will You Marry Me?

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Jungkook drove his car to where he set a special dinner with Taehyung.

Its been so long for Jungkook to finally ask the brunette today. He made sure that this night will be the perfect night for both of them.

"Where are we going, Kookie?" Taehyung ask Jungkook who was in focus of his driving. He glance a little bit at the brunette then squeeze the hands of other.

"Where here baby, but stay here. I'll go first,okay." He peck a kiss to Taehyung's back hand and go out from his car. He walk at the passenger sit and open it.

"Come on,baby." He said, leaning his hand forward to help the other,Taehyung smiled and reach the other hand. They walk not a bit far and Taehyung's mouth open wide, eyes bulging out of his head and his heart racing in pounder.

"Oh my god, Kookie. Its...its so wonderful and oh god..." Taehyung can't say anything more, he just turn to face Jungkook with tear in eyes and hug him tightly.
"Thank you" he whispered.

"No. Thank you Taehyung. And i love you so much,baby." Jungkook replied.

 Jungkook pull the chair and let Taehyung sit first

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Jungkook pull the chair and let Taehyung sit first. Taehyung giggles and thank him,showing his boxy smile.

They start eating in silence, Jungkook sometimes lost in space due staring at the beautiful person infront of him. After they eat, they walk at the shore,holding hands. Watching the calm water that running to their feet's. Jungkook stop and Taehyung tilt his head,

"I know,its been longbenough since we met in a not sa please situation. And its been two months,that we are getting out,im not asking you now to be my boyfriend Taehyung---

"What?! YAH! JEON JUNGKOOK!!! If your not asking me to be your bofriend,so what is this all about!" Taehyung said now eyes becoming blurry due his tears.

Jungkook widen his eyes in disbelief,
"Tae,baby listen....let me talk,yeah?" Taehyung nod,biting his lips.

".....coz i know or we both know how much we love each other. And now, to this very moment i want you to know that you are the only person i want to be by my side, i want to live with  you for the rest of my life. So, im advancing it into something...." Jungkook take a small purple box from his coat,kneels infront of Taehyung, staring in his eyes. While Taehyung's eyes are with tears, hands covering his mouth, and heart beating fast.

"Will you marry me,Kim Taehyung?"

Taehyung kept in silence, a silence thats almost five minutes. He stared to Jungkook eyes,studying every wordd that he had heard. To tell that Jungkook mind racing a mile in a minute, and heart beating quickly due Taehyung silence, hes pals start to sweat too. He can feel the glistering in his eyes. "Please dont reject me,Tae." He said at the back of his head and closed his eyes,making his self for any rejection if ever.

"Do you really want to marry me despite of all differences we have? You want tme to be qith you for the rest of your life despite of the agreement i had signed? Kook, i dont want to ruin this moment, but i do really need to know the truth. I know i should not bring this up now,but i cant help it." Taehyung said in all honesty.

"I dont care about that damn contract anymore, we can disregard that and start a new beginning,baby. Please, Tae. I dont want anyone else,ONLY YOU."

Taehyung nod, and Jungkook smiled widely,starting to teared up. He stand and gently pull the hand of Taehyung and put the ring on his ring finger. He hug hi fiance in tight and peppering a kiss to his face.

"I love intoxicated by  you,baby." He whispered. They both kiss and reminisce this moment. Taehyung broke the kiss,he put his hand in the air, staring at the ring in his finger and smile. Jungkook watch him lovingly.

"I really never thought this would happen. Thank you, Kookie."

Their outfit to their Date

~~~Their outfit to their Date

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The shortest chapter. Im really sorry.


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