Chapter 19: Lets go Home

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While Jin and Jungkook were still talking, the young man asked why he did not see Taehyung coming out of the kitchen. Jin frowned and then stood up, walked to the kitchen and met Namjoon on the way.

"Did ----"

"Jin, i think Taehyung is not feeling well. I found him pale earlier and then he ask if he can go first, I told him that I'll drop him but he insisted to go alone. Im worried for him. "Namjoon said with a worried voice.

"Damn it, since we came back from the Maldives, he has become sad again." Jin said worriedly while looking for his phone and then calling his cousin. But he was even more worried that no one was answering on the other line. He look at where Jungkook's seat and saw him looking at them. Later he saw Jungkook took his phone. Jin approached him with Namjoon and told him about Taehyung.

"He also doesn't answer my call, hyung. What if a ---

"Jungkook, don't say that!" Jin suddenly interrupted what the young man was going to say. Jin heard Jungkook talking on the phone.

"Goddamn it! I told you to follow him! Now you say he disappeared from your sight! If something bad happens to him, prepare yourself!" anger rages on Jungkook voice to the person on the other line.

He hit the table where Namjoon and Jin as well as the customers who are currently eating were shocked. Jin calmed ihim down and a few minutes later he said goodbye to them.

He drove quickly and went to Jin's house, thinking Taehyung was there. He was depressed when the guard said that the young man was not even coming home. He closed his eyes and sighed as it gripped the wheel tightly. He is full of worries and with the amount of bad ideas that come into his mind now, is not helping too, his mood gets heavier. His deep thought was interrupted when he heard the horn of the cars in behind his car and that added to the anger that he has now. He wanted to get off and strangle the driver but he ignored it, he thought it was more important for him to find Taehyung first, he took a deep breath then turned on the car. He called his brothers and asked them, just in case they saw the young man. Her mood tightened because a few hours later there was no sign of where the young man was. It makes him feel very sad and scared to think that something bad has happened to his boyfriend.

He remembered Jimin so he called it.
"Hello Mr. Jeon--"

"Jimin, did you talk to Taehyung? Or do you know anyone or somewhere he can go except Jin hyung's house and his family's grave?" He immediately said interrupting what the person on the other line was going to say.

"Go to his apartment maybe he will be there. " Jimin replied.

Jungkook frowned when he heard, "Apartment?" He said hesitating.

"Yes Mr. Jeon." Jimin's short answer, after saying thank you, Jungkook cut off the call and turned the car towards the apartment.

After about a minute, he was in front of the building and then entered. He pressed the elevator, it opened and then hit the 3rd floor where Tae's apartment was. It made him wonder why the young man was here. The elevator rang and then it opened. He walked and now he was right in front of the door. Praying that his boyfriend would be here. He knocked a few times but no one answered.

"Taehyung!" He said loudly while knocking. He doesn't care if it bothers anyone else, all he has on his mind right now is to see his loved one.

"Damn it! Kim Taehyung! If you are inside, open this door before I destroy it!" He even shouted that it almost broke the vein in the neck.

"Hey man, don't you know you're bothering here?" said the man coming out of the other door.

Jungkook glared at him, balled his fist. "If you don't want me to ruin your face, get out of here!" he shouted angrily at the man.

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