Chapter 13: Lost and Found

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Taehyung woke up first and slowly got up and went to the bathroom. After about half an hour he came out and went to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Mr. Kim." Mina greetee smiling.

"Goodmorning Mina, you got so formal. Taehyung or Taetae is fine." he said with a boxy smile.

"You're so cute, Tae." Mina giggles and pinch the cheeks of the other. Taehyung was stunned to her and blush. Mina retracted her hands and apologised.

"Sorry." She said and bowed.

"No no no...its okay Mina." Taehyung said and pat her shoulder.

The two talk and have fun while preparing breakfast. In a few minutes he woke Jungkook.

"Kookie,wake up." He said then open the curtains to let the sun rays enters.

"Five more minutes,pup." Jungkook whisper.

"Nah! No."

"Please,baby..." Jungkook said whining.

"MR. JEON JUNGKOOOOOOOOK!!!! He shouted to the top of his lung.

To tell thqt Jungkook was in total shock is underestimated. He sat down with eyes widely open,covering his ears with his both hands.

"Goodmorning, Kookie." he greeted him and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead.

"Oh my god,pup. You almost broke my eardrum." Jungkook pouted.

"Is that how you say 'goodmorning', darling?" He said smirking. Jungkook hearts flutter upon hearing the last words.

"Goodmorning, pup." he said, and pulled Taehyung who immediately fell on his chest. Taehyung yelp and hit his chest softly.

After a little make up of sweetness, Jungkook took shower and they both go at the dining.

Time skip: (lets have this skip again,your author is having a little mental breakdown now.)

Incheon Internatuinal Airport: (Jung-gu Airport)

"Taehyung!!!! Im so excited." Jimin exclaimed hugging his bestfriend.

"Chim,i cant breath. You talk as if you never come in Maldives before?" Taehyung said when they break the hug.
To tell that Jimin is one of those who are lucky to have a wealthy family,he can go wherever he wants and buy what ever he wants. But he never boastef to anyone about his life style. And Taehyung never imagined that he will be friends to Jimin because of their different life status,but the other make sure that Taehyung will never feel belittle.

"Jin hyung! Namjoon hyung" Taehyung yelled seeing the Kim couple approaching them.

They hug each other and Namjoon patted Tae's head and ruffle his hair.

A minute later, Hoseok and Yoongi arrive too.

"Where's Jungkook, Tae." Yoongi ask but his eyes where at Jimin who was blushing tremendously. Taehyung notice this and he giggles to his friend.

"Ah, he just went to the bathroom hyung." Tae said smirking.
"Hyung,this is Jimin,my bestfriend. Jimin this is---

"Yoongi...Min Yoongi." He said cutting the others words, bringing his hands forward.

"Ji---Jimin... Park Jimin." He stutter and reach the others hand. Jimin felt a little squeeze to his hands and his face turn to crimson. Yoongi chuckles not letting go the others hand.

The others are looking at them with smile and Taehyung is giggling at the 'new couple'.

Jungkook fake a cough and Jimin pull his hands, looking away.

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