Chapter 27: Doubt

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A month later:

Its wednesday around eleven in the morning, Jungkook got a call telling him to that he is urgently needed to travel to France. Upon ending the call, he look at Taehyung's direction and saw the young brunette busy in his works. He stand up and walk towards his fiance, and Taehyung felt his appearance. He raised his head and smile seeing Jungkook smiling at him.

"Simething to tell?" Taehyung said, walking closer to him. Jungkook hum in reply and sit on the table, pulling Taehyung gently and letting him stand between his legs. Taehyungs hands leaning at Jungkook's chest while the boyfriend's hand are on his petit waste.

"Baby, i need to travel to France. I just got a call that they need me there." He says, his chin leaning at the younger head.

"Is there any problem in the company there?" Taehyung asked with concern. Jungkook nods.
"When are you leaving?" Tae asked again, sadness in his voice is obvious.

"Tomorrow morning, i want to bring you with me but you're in a delicate pregnancy baby. Dont worry, i will càll you everyday,okay?" He said, then kissing Taehyung in his lips. After their sweet kissed, both went home early. Taehyung wants to pack his boyfriends things for tomorrow.

They arrive at the mansion and both went straight to their room. Jungkook brings out his suitcase while Taehyung start choosing what cloths he will put.

"Hyung, can you stay here at the mansion with Tae until i come back?" Jungkook says to the other line. He told his hyung about his travel and they agreed.

"Done." Taehyung muttered and stretch his arms, turning his head he saw Jungkook staring at him with a smirk.

"I will miss you baby, and you too." He said kissing Taehyung lips then pecking Tae's stomach.
Taehyung giggled feeling the soft lips of his boyfriend to his tummy.

"Hyung will come here to accompany you until i come back, and Jimin also will be here." Upon hearing his bestfriends name, Taehyung jump in happiness.
" hey baby, don't do that. You will hurt yourself and our little baby here." Jungkook said, holding his fiance who cant stay still.

"Sorry. Im just excited, its been so long i didnt have time to talk with Jimin, even though we are at same company." Taehyung explained with a pout, and Jungkook coo to his cuteness. He hug him then Taehyung ask him to cuddle, and who is Jungkook to refuse? He loves Taehyung so much that he is willing to cuddle with him all his life.

Time skip: (let me skip for how many days of them being apart)

Taehyung's Pov:

Its been a week since Jungkook left, and even we continuously having a face time everyday, i still miss him a lot.

Being apart to the person you love the most is so damn not easy,specially with my situation that im really craving for him beside me.

"Taehyung~~" i heard Jimin from outside my room. I walk towards the door and open it, seeing Jimin with some snacks i let him enter and we sat at the couch facing the tv. Pregnant for almost two months, i become more lazy in moving and my morning sickness worsened. Those perfumes that i love before makes me flip my stomach and vomit upon hitting my nose.

"Want to go out after? You need to move too Tae. Its not good for you and that little angel inside you to just sit and sleep." Jimin said,muching the popcorn while watching.

"I miss him, Chim." I said with a crack in my voice. Jimin look at me and hug me when he notice the tears from my eyes.

"Oh Tae baby...stop crying, thats unhealthy to a pregnant like you." He says, rubbing his hands up and down to my back.
"Want to call him?" He added, i nod my head and wipe my tears upon detaching him hug. He handed me my phone and i dialed Jungkook's number.

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