Chapter 8: The CEO's Confession

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A month ago, and that month was arguably the happiest day of Taehyung and Jungkook's life.  They became especially close to each other and their closeness was not hidden from the knowledge of those close to them.  It has become jungkook's habit to drop and pick Taehyung to his university.  And the young man at the school became very sensitive because of this.  And it is also not hidden from Jungkook, because every day that god did, he assigned someone to watch over the Tqehyung without his knowledge.

Monday when Jungkook drop  Taehyung again at the university. And just at the gate,whispers can be heard again. Jungkook got out of the car and opened the door to help the young man get out.  He bent down to get out of the car and fear to see the eyes judging him.

Jungkook touched his chin to look it in the eyes, he smiled and nodded,"Ignore them, okay? You did nothing wrong." 

He smiled and was accampanied to its room, holding his waist.


A shout from behind him and when they looked back it made him smile to see Jimin, his bestfriend. 

He sighed and clung to the two and frowned as he looked at the hand around the waist of the other.

"Jungkook, thanks for the dropping me again. Let's go chim, we might get late" He said and removed the hand that was on his waist. 

"Hey, do you have any plans to introduce me to your boyfriend, Kim Taehyung?"  teasing his bestfriend.

"Park fucking Jimmin! he's not my boyfriend. You're embarrassing me, don't be like that."  he said shyly.
"sorry mr.jeon, my friend is really crazy."  he said and bowed.

"No problem, Taehyung. And didn't I tell you, just call me jungkook? Maybe you want to be punished?"  he said with a mixture of teasing. 

He blushed at what the older young man had said.

"After all, you don't want to introduce me, so I'll just introduce myself. Mr. Jeon, Park Jimin ... this crazy's bestfriend."  he said and held out his palm to shake hands.

Jungkook smiled and those around them shouted.  Astonished, the three of them turned away. 

"wow, mr.jeon knows how to smile."  said one.

"She's handsome, especially when she smiles."

They again ignored it and separated their ways. Jungkook to his office while the two to their respective rooms.

Both are giggling and Jimin teasing the other.

As soon as Jungkook arrived at his office, he found his father sitting and pretending to be deep in thought.

"You're late?"  he said when he heard the door open. 

He sat down in his chair and started to open his laptop to see if these were emails. 

"How are you looking for someone who can give me a grandson?"  the old man said gently.

He stopped and looked at the old man sitting in front of him and turned his eyes again to his laptop.

"One year Jungkook, just one year and when he gives you a child you can divorce him."  he said. 

Shivering, Jungkook while listening to the old man.  He stood walking towards the glass window, staring outside.  Closed his eyes, took a deep breath to calm himself.  Opened his eyes again and faced his father. 

"I will get married but no contract will be signed. At this point, listen to me! From the moment I think about it, I have done nothing but obey you, I have no freedom to do what I want. You always have!"  He said with a trembling voice and tried to control his anger.

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