Chapter 18: Memories

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One week later:

A week after their vacation in the Maldives, Jimin immediately got a job at Jeon Corporation with the help of Yoongi.  While Taehyung was thinking about the job Jungkook offered him, to be his Personal Assistant.

While Taehyung was at the restaurant, his boyfriend visited him.

  "Hi, baby" Jungkook greeted and kissed the young man on the forehead.  He blushed becase he did not expect Jungkook to be sweet and tender to him in public.  He looked around and saw people staring at them so he hung his head looking at his shoes.

"Pup, is there a problem?"  Jungkook asked anxiously, also bowing so that their faces were even.  Taehyung shook his head and walked slowly towards the kitchen.  It was frustrating when Jungkook's gaze followed. 

"He is still not used to for you being gentle with him in public."  Jin said suddenly as he approached the young man.  Jungkook turned around and saw that there were  eyes in his direction. 

"Do you have a problem with me?"  he said with an angry voice.  Suddenly the people bowed down and distracted themselves with their food.  They know how the young CEO is, how cold and rude he is.

He sighed then sat down on the empty table near the window.

"Hey, relax though. My customers might be scared and they won't come back here."  Namjoon said jokingly seeing Jungkook's angry face,then he told them he will go at the kitchen.

"Jin hyung, can i talk to you?" Jungkook ask the older, and the other sit infront of him,gesturing one waiter to come to them.

"What you want to drink?" Jin ask.

"Just give me black coffee without sugar and a water." Jungkook said and Jin ask for Hot chocolate for him. The waiter bow to them before exiting.

"So,what you want to talk?" Jin ask.

"Its about Taehyung, hyung." Jungkook said, then look around searching for that someone. Jin look at the younger and fake a cough.
"Sorry hyung."


"Here's your drink sir." The waiter said,gently putting their drinks then bow and exit.

"I want Taehyung to live with me,hyung." Jungkook said suddenly.

"My god,finally you have the guts to tell that,Kook." Jin exitedly exclaimed. But his smile suddenly drop when he saw Jungkook suddenly frown.
"Why? Is there any problem Kook?"

Jungkook look at him and sigh.
"Im not sure if Taehyung wants it,hyung." He said before sipping his coffee.
"I know he signed the contract and im really glad about that, but what if---

"Kook, its better if both of you talk about it. I love Taehyung and im really thankful that you always think about whats good for him. Don't worry,i will talk to him too." Jin said,and smile politely.

Taehyung's Pov:

I was busy taking orders when someone enters the restaurant. I look at the door direction and i saw Jungkook smile at me. My heart flustered and beats fast due to the intense gaze of Jungkook. He walk towards me without blinking yet still smiling and i was stunned when he kiss my forehead. I can feel the heat run through my cheeks and i know that im blushing already. I heard a whispers then i look around me just to see those eyes directed at us or specially at me. Some are genuinely smiling but most are looking disgusted. I can feel my insecurities and i feel uncomfortable. I hung my head looking at my shoes when Jungkook ask me if theres something wrong. I shook my head and walk towards the kitchen,leaving him with confused feelings due to my action.

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