Chapter 31: Million dollar Reward

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Its just a day when Taehyung is gone but to Jungkook its like a year already.

When he woke up, he saw his hyungs with him in one of their guess room. He saw Namjin sleeping at each other side at the couch, Hoseok at the other and Yoonmin couple also across the other couch. He feels guilty seeing them like that, he feels guilty dragging them to this situation.

He slowly get up from the bed and without making any noise, he successfully sneak outside and went to his room.

The room that was a mess last night was now cleaned and fix. Everything in their right places. He entered his bathroom and took a shower then dries himself.

"Kookie, this looks good on you." Taehyung says when they go shopping after Jungkook's birthday. He saw how happy his baby is, those smile that he wants to see every second of his life. But now, its gone.

He heard Taehyung, when he saw the suit that Taehyung buys for him. He took it and wear it.

Without saying anything to those people who he pass by inside the mansion, he enters his car and drive his way, but not in his company.

He was now standing infront of Taehyung's apartment. He opened it with the key that he ask from the landlady. The landlady knows about him and Taehyung so she trusted him.

The inside of the apartment was the same. Looks like its been long that Taehyung was here. He stayed there for an hour and about to leave when he receive a call. He check it but ignored when he saw its Yoongi.

He walk outside then lock the door before he drives his car. He reach the company and when he enters he suddenly called an emergency meeting.

He waited at the meeting hall with his cold face, narrowed brows and fist bowled.

"How long do i need to wait!" He said in outrage, that hid employees runs almost pushing each other.

"What's happening?" One staff whispered.

"I dont know" the other replied.

"Whoever can give me any information to where Jeon Taehyung is, i'll give him or her a 1 million dollar as a reward. But if you give me a fake information, you know what will happen to your family." Jungkook stated before leaving the hall, walking to his office.

The employees starts to whisper while going back to their assigned works.

"So, i think you know where he is" a colleague said to Jimim.

Jimin glared at him, he is not on the mood to hear some bullshits.

"I dont care about that goddam money! All i want is my friends safety and happiness. And please, do me a favor...can you leave me alone!" Jimin blurted and walk out.

"Park Jimin, if you dont want the money, just tell me where is Mr. Jeon Taehyung." His colleague shouted and Jimin stop walking.

"Fuck you!" Jimin said gravelly and raising his middle finger without turning his back to his colleague.

Some employee who saw him gasp. Jimin is a silent and always focus on his works, but change in just a minute.

Jungkook sat in his office, his back leaning at his chair, eyes shut, fist in bowled.

"What?!" He says without looking to the person who knock and enters his office. He opened his eyes when he feels someone infront of him.

"Hyung..." his voice crack seeing Hoseok and Yoongi. They patted his shoulder and he finally cries.

Yoongi and Hoseok comforted him. Since Taehyung came to Jungkook's life, their brother change. But Taehyung's leaving made Jungkook weak. Yet they dont blame the young brunette for what's happening now.

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